End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

If you honestly think that group content is people grouping in Korthia you’re even less smart than I thought you were.

Even then your evidence is anecdotal at best.

All of that is a guild issue. Is it inconvenient? Sure. That’s the price for the better balance of the hard 20 number. That still doesn’t mean you can’t work it out if you all wanted to. But at the end of the day, if your team decides its max or your out, that’s on them. You can go or stay, and I’m sure there’s tons of guilds that would take you even without a perfect bis. But the requirements of those guilds who strictly rule max or nothing is still not a good reason to not offer better progression options for everyone.

[quote=“Snozh-malganis, post:1382, topic:1181215”]
The difference is solo players cry untill things get nerfed[/quote]

Let them cry. If the devs were more willing to take a hard stance we’d have an overall better game.

Ok. I have no problem with that. It should be really hard to get gear like that.

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What I said implies exactly the opposite. Why would players boost for something they can get on their own for free?

Being able to get a decent iLvl on your own, even later in the patch, means that you would never even have to think of boosting to keep up with the rest of the community.

And being able to get a decent iLvl before you attempt challenging content with others means that you will contribute more and not be a burden or “carry”.

Perhaps Blizzard is trying desperately to keep people from gearing up on their own so that they feel pressured to buy WoW tokens and boost.


Hey dingus, maybe they are able to solo those mobs because they are already near, if not at, the cap of the gear they get.

The only ones it is a detriment to are IDIOTS that think they need to do everything for that small advantage. More solo content, especially if it provides a path to upgrade (not drop) gear gives the raiders/M+ runners etc more to do in addition to giving the solo players more to do. Dingbats like you and Snozh are so determined to keep those that don’t play your way from getting better gear that you would rather have zero content and a dead game then anything that solo and players like you can do.

When it comes to solo play, I tend to include the queue for LFR and dungeons as well, that is something you might consider group content or not. If players do this, do they not deserve at least a way to upgrade their gear through that content and any other content they do? Or are you so blinded by the idea they are not doing content you think they should they deserve nothing.

I mean hell, maybe see if they will take gear more itemized for solo play (balancing DPS and survival) where as group content tends to go survival for tanks, and DPS/HPS for damage dealers and healers, with just enough survivability to not die to the non-one shot mechanics in raid.

I look at Benthci gear, only change I would have made to that is the bonus of such was not active in raid, thus making it BiS for the world content of that patch but useless in the raid once you got the raid drop.

There are ways such can work, out right refusing to even think of such is what keeps the game stale for most players.


Why would a solo player need a boost when the Ilvl given out doing world content is strong enough for the world content?

Why do solo players even need better gear to down world content to begin with?

Or, perhaps Blizzard wants to encourage people to group together and complete the group content so that they have no need to boost.

So then why are you here, again? You’ve got your gear.

I would rather have rewards be rewards instead of developers constantly playing down to the lowest, common denominator of player that’s trying to destroy end game content; i.e. solo-progression for gear.

You want to lock yourselves out of the majority of end game content is not the game’s fault. It’s worked for seventeen years.

Thanks for again proving you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I want to raid mythic and push for CE. Any mythic guild is going to be that way period.

Nah if the devs stopped trying to make the game easier for bad players it would be a better game.

No where did anyone say anything about boosting.

That’s what Korthia is.

What you’re not comprehending is that solo content isnt challenging.

233 gear from Korthia is more than enough to do heroic sod

This is the easiest way to explain how absurd solo players are

Solo players are the people who graduated high school and then entered the work force.

Raiders are the people who went to college and got degrees that matter (not talking about art degrees) or got specialized certifications.

Now that raiders earn xyz pay solo players are feeling entitled to the same pay without doing the same work.

Eh, wouldn’t say all solo players as I like to solo from time to time and both solo and group gameplay can be easy or hard but that is determined based off ones perspective. Such as solo wise I can have an easier time yes since I do not have to rely on others to play their part so to speak, but others could have a harder time for one reason or another.

I raid and do M+, but I also have an army of alts that I would like to be able to do more on even if it is just to fill in a needed slot to help a guildmate or a friend without being a detriment.

If done right, they will not destroy end game content, I even stated that some might want the ilvl of normal or heroic but itemized for solo play. Like how a lot of PvP gear has versatility on it, yet for most classes that stat is one of the weakest out there.

If it destroys end game, it is cause idiots see the ilvl and make that the goal, high ilvl but poor itemization is not that good.

Maybe I don’t want to lock myself out of the majority of endgame content, maybe I want to expand endgame content so I am not locked to 1 or 2 things. I even put forth that people would still have to do the raids/M+ to get the gear in the first place but upgrading it could be done via the same raids or M+ and a trickle from solo play.

You, and other idiots like you, are thinking only in binary, I am thinking in the gray on how this could be balanced. Solo players that want max (mythic) level gear need to be told to get lost, same with ones like you, who think solo players are the lowest common denominator.

Instead of thinking some want to ruin end game, maybe think they want their own endgame, with gear and activities to match. Will there be some crossover? likely but as long as people realize the gear is not the best for their content, outside of ilvl, I’d say it is just as likely people will keep to their own lane.

What percentage of players clear mythic raids?

Dang, are you ever reaching! I never implied that 233 Korthia gear wasn’t good enough. Sure, would I like it a bit higher? Yup. But no big deal.

Like, I was saying what so many of us (solo) players ask for, gear that makes playing WOW fun…in the future. From what I’ve read the 9.2 gear level for out world quests compared to Korthia’s out world gear level doesn’t sound so hot, less than Korthia iLvl gear when comparing. What ever the quests are, reward the Solo player accordingly. A decent gear level. In 9.2 I hope it’s equivalent to Korthia’s 233 iLvl.

PS, I think you just look to argue no matter what is said.


For those wondering what some of the all-round or solo players are talking about, and what ones like Bellular are saying about the current system, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0gJ6Es4hVY


You’re taking your cues from a guy that read a motivational, self-help book that’s trying to apply it to WoW? Really?

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Try hanging an 80 inch tv on a wall. It looked like people eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. :eyes:

Thanks for the link to this…
This offers up a really good topic to think about…

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You are dismissing something as being a motivational, self help when it covers keeping people engaged with even small rewards that progress to a goal. I.E. things that will keep people playing because they WANT to play and as such paying to play?

You just proved your self to be as stupid as the solo players that want mythic gear to drop from trivial content. Welcome to being the other side of being that coin, here’s your sign now get out and let the people who can actually think logically and with common sense as well as not splitting the players into 2 groups talk so you don’t embarrass yourself more.


Yes, I want socialized gear.

It’s implied in your statement so I’m not reaching.

Also Korthia gear was too high n ilvl.

Korthia gear level was an experiment. They are reverting the buff and going back to how it was in 9.0.

Basically the devs are agreeing that Korthia gear rewards were too high.

Nope. I just don’t sugar coat things for people’s feelings

Bad news, your college job got outsourced to another country. But your HS graduate cousin who makes 70k a year as an auto mechanic will spot you a loan. :fox_face:

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