End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Rip Among us and Jack Box Party Packs I guess. :roll_eyes:

Some games are designed to be multiplayer.

WoW keeps players because it is the best mmo at multiplayer pve content-- but solo play needs to be good again too. A lot of people want an adventure and a story and then log off.


Where did I say I wanted higher than 233 gear for Korthia world content? Maybe along the way I implied it would be nice if it was a bit higher. But you haven’t seen me complain per se. Just some wishful thinking…

Such as Torghast. That could have been perfect for solo play if the reward was gear.

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I never said majority of people. I just said more people participate in mythic raiding than you think.

People go 9/10 mythic and don’t get CE.

The amount of true solo players is a very extreme minority.

Extreme minority? Where did you pull that from?


Because solo players and casuals are not the same thing.

Casual players still partake in group content while solo players do not.

The amount of people who actually refuse to do any group content are a small minority and should honestly be ignored.


Is implying that Korthia gear doesn’t allow you to have fun in open world.

lol like the troll is going to answer that he made it up

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What killed normal raiding is the fact that the requirements and grind to be a normal raider, which used to be nonexistent (“Hey Joe, what’s your ilvl? Wanna step into raid? Angel can’t come today, she’s making pasta,” (Actual excuse heard for missing a normal raid night) are now much closer to that of higher difficulties. People who want to do normal raiding aren’t interested in that level of commitment.

It does appear the devs will win the war on solo and casual gameplay, since they are doubling down.

You should be careful what you wish for, because you may get it.


All I said on that issue is that it’s likely that less people participate in mythic raid than primarily solo play.

Didn’t mention CE at all in the comment you responded to.

And you still can’t demonstrate that it’s smaller than mythic raiders. I respect your opinion, but it’s just an opinion unless you have data to back it up.

You’ve made two arguments:

1: You can’t resist any loot out there that might benefit you and don’t want to be inconvenienced.

Sorry, but your obsession shouldn’t cost everyone (not just solo players). A difficult progression system for solo play would still be adding fun content for all the group players out there, including the large range of normal/heroic raiders and M+ fans to do.

2: If the content is too hard for everyone it shouldn’t exist.

By this logic mythic raid shouldn’t exist either.


It’s not trolling when it’s true.

Moving TVs is solo content.


Yet you have no proof to the contrary

CE achievements are the main way people track how many people raid mythic.

And you can’t demonstrate that solo players are more than mythic raiders.

It’s not an obsession. It’s staying competitive to not lose my raiding spot so I can enjoy the type of content I enjoy.

You’re doing nothing but showing your lack of understanding how the game works.

That’s not my argument at all. I said in order for solo content to award mythic raid level gear (which is what solos actually want) it will be too difficult for most solo players.

Yet people actually clear mythic raids.

Not when it’s a 60”

I just don’t see the sky falling with the Korthia gear ilvl. If anything I feel it supplemented normal raiders, because the gearing through raid was horrible. Plus people didn’t get to the good Korthia ilvl right away, that took some grinding.

Edit: if anything M+ probably killed normal raiding. Being able to get higher ilvl gear in 30 minutes versus a couple of hours makes a difference. It enabled players to go straight to heroic and then to mythic instead of from normal to heroic like it used to. Nothing is killing heroic right now, AOTC is still to prized.

I just got a couple of suction grips for ours. It works well, although I was nervous first time.

And you have no proof for your argument.

I fully understand that not everyone raiding mythic gets CE. Same for heroic and AoTC. If I’d have been talking about CE I would have said it.

Not agreeing with you is not a lack of understanding. Every level of group play has some folks that feel the need to do everything. If you’re not competing for RWF then that feeling is something that can be addressed in your guild. It’s not something that should cost everyone (including group play primaries) potentially great content.

So? That is no different than mythic raid. Not everyone has to be able to do it.

And people would clear hard solo content too. Look at MT 2.0. some got it first day, some took hours, days or weeks, and some never got it. There’s nothing wrong with that.


It wasn’t my tv so he just asked me to come help.

Nope! I have not seen a party of players except inside the rift in Korthia. Even then, i see more solo players soloing the big green mobs than i ever do groups. So spare me already.


So both arguments are anecdotal

Not everyone does.

You trying to insinuate that me being forced to do something is because of an obsession is flat out ignorant. You don’t raid at a mythic level so you’re talking about something you don’t have a clue about.

I am on a roster of 30 people fighting for 20 spots. The best 20 go. So if 29 people do the solo content I am forced to as well.

Also the argument of it doesn’t matter outside of world first pushes is also ignorant.

People were benched for not having max conduits.

The difference is solo players cry untill things get nerfed.

See torghast in 9.0.

There isn’t any solo content that’s as hard as mythic raiding.

Take mage tower and double the difficulty.

And you get your pittance of gear worthy of solo content. Gear dropped from group content should not fall into the clutches of players who refuse to do it and would rather be selfish whiners to the detriment of everyone.