End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Personally I think the iLevel is fine for solo content because you need an incentive to do coordinated, group content. However, I think that the solo iLevel should be given in multiple ways instead of just grinding the same content on each and every character.
I would love old world scaling that rewarded some form of currency that can be used to get the solo iLevel items so that way there is a more variety to solo gameplay.

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I think OP is being melodramatic. The gear available outside of raids and Mythic dungeons is just fine for solo play. As far as this patch goes, I’m talking about Korthia gear. It is incredibly easy to obtain and only slightly tedious to upgrade. It gets the job done as far as solo play goes.

Personally I wouldn’t mind having Mythic tier gear to power through the content I choose to play but that just isn’t realistic. The gear you can get from open world content is just fine as a starting point to gear up further. If you don’t like doing Mythic dungeons or raiding, then that’s fine.


To be fair, PvP’s janky gearing is a separate issue from solo rewards and could be easily fixed with templates or brackets for random BGs.

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What are you talking about? I’ve been doing Korthia on my fresh 60 alts and I’m roughly 160 ilvl on them. Open world content is scaled to ilvl. Meaning the ilvl doesn’t even matter. If your character is fully equipped with heroic ilvl gear, you’ll do just fine. Also, if you’re extroverted enough to do dungeon finder, what’s stopping you from doing LFR? What’s stopping you from doing actual content to get the gear you want?

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Using group content to say solo play was better? :thinking:


Blizzard tried templates. They were hated. People want to progress their character and become stronger, as well as take their gear into PvP and beat up other players. Many people suffer through PvP in order to eventually bully less geared players.

The only reason there’s a big outcry is that Blizzard removed the “bully” stage for bad players who don’t do rated PvP. You have to do rated PvP and be good at this game to earn the right to bully others and that makes no-life bad players mad because they will never become good and will always be the punching bag.

All Blizzard needs to do is smooth the curve at the top-end. If unrated PvP gear was only slightly worse than rated PvP gear in PvP, this whining would go away. People want to take their unrated PvP gear and bully noobs in blue gear without being bullied themselves.

Implying WoW was ever developed or deployed as a solo player game, what? While solo play will be an aspect of it, the majority of the content will and has been aimed at group play.

Having played since wotlk, I’d honestly say there’s more to do solo than there ever has been; doesn’t mean the content is very engaging or interesting, but there’s loads more solo content than there ever use to be.

I haven’t checked recently, but in max korthia gear (or equivalent ilvl) on any of my alts, the pve content is trivial. Lots of cosmetics to collect, old raids to run, achievements to hunt, pets to collect etc…

Weird argument for a game that’s largely meant to be a multiplayer game.

In Zereth Mortis, you can have Pocopoc hot-wire an automa and run around killing things with the automa’s abilities by driving it.

You don’t even need gear. :laughing:

And the current system of anyone who didn’t immediately grind PvP at launch getting destroyed in randoms is hated. :man_shrugging:

I actually think ilevel brackets is the best solution, but people cry about queue times.

It’s already capped at lfr levels and they are complaining about it. They say they don’t want mythic gear for world quests. But that’s what it boils down to

I gather that they want some kind of solo dungeon that drops good gear based on difficulty.

I don’t care if Blizzard sets the item level of all open world rewards to zero as long as they make it powerful enough for me to actually complete the content faster and increase my ability to do legacy content.

I’m still waiting for an ilvl high enough for my DH to solo the tank boss in Arathi.

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Here’s a question.

Can endlessly argue about where that point is, but there’s eventually a point of the patch cycle where the numbers stop going up. What’s the difference between this and all the complaints about needing more and more specific Vault slots each week? Numbers go up slower and slower until they stop. That’s the same with every patch.

Considering that point, the complaint is what, that the solo endpoint isn’t on heroic ilvl? Because Heroic already has a massive problem of being quickly outdone by Mythic+, we know that because Blizzard has been trying to solve it. While their first attempt on 9.1 was, uh, not great, will see how the “turn gear into tier” works.

You’d still have 80% of the 80% complaining that dungeon is too difficult and it should be nerfed until it’s LFR easy

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If you can’t do that in 233 gear 246 gear isn’t going to save you

Ilvl brackets are a soft form of templates that doesn’t solve the problem.

Again, bad players want PvP gear to bully others. Bad PvPers don’t want to get good, they want to get stronger than other players and bully them. They’re only mad because they’re always a smaller fish in the sea who get bullied by skilled players who have rated PvP gear. Why do you think the main solution proposed by bad players is “1 set of honor gear and 1 set of conquest gear with no rating requirement”? Because people want to get conquest gear to bully players in honor gear and not get bullied by people with higher ilvl conquest gear.

Casual PvP is just a toxic cycle of bullying and the “fix” that shuts them up is to cap the ilvl of random PvP at whatever the ilvl is of unranked PvP gear. I would bet you $$$ that if you capped random PvP at ilvl 233 (after the PvP ilvl boost) you would shut down the majority of the whining.

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Exactly. It’s a foolish belief that this gating of rewards behind frivolous achievements, titles, and vanity metrics does not make me want to play more.

You’re not wrong, but I think you’re also missing that a sizable portion of the people in randoms are only there for easy gear [looks at the OP], because win or lose they’ll get there eventually, and if they’re lucky they’ll get on a team with good people and get carried to a win. They don’t actually care about PvP or getting better at PvP.

Cap the item level in Randoms, but also conquest should be removed from all non-rated PVP, it’s like having heroic gear drop in LFR.


It’s a MMO

<<< Mr Casual here. My two copper follows…

After this guild imploded in WoD, I didn’t have the heart or the drive to rebuild it… again…

So for Legion and BfA, I was pretty much solo play only. I’d play the first couple months of the expansion. Then I’d sit out most of the middle, popping in with time cards occasionally. At the end of the expansion I would level one or two chars and LFR the final raid. By then, with catchup, you could level a char to max, gear and clear LFR in about 3 days played. (I actually tracked that metric in BfA for one char.)

Which felt about right to me.

This expansion was different. I played the first couple of months of SL. Watched the Horde guild I found… die. Shades of WoD, but it happened much quicker. Then I kinda just… dabbled. Only stayed subbed to do the pet battle weeks every time they came up. Also did the pet battle dungeons.

Eventually reached a point where it was [1] unsub again until the last raid was released, in order to repeat my Legion/BfA process, or [2] maybe change things up.

I chose [2]. I rolled a new paladin, specifically to look for a guild. With about 2 1/2 days of played time, I leveled to max. Ran SoD LFR. All 10 bosses. Then looked on my server for a guild starting to do Normal SoD. (Yes, a guild very far behind the curve progression wise.)

I found one. About half are (gasp) new players. Several haven’t played since BC or WoTLK. We are 8/10 normal, and bumping along. Having a lot of fun!

Having said that, I didn’t have any trouble getting to an iLevel of ~210. Solo. At that point the world stuff, for me, was fine. Even Korthia. Getting to Mort is a pain, but as a Paladin I can swap to Prot and ride through everything.

If Patch 9.2 gives me an equivalent experience, and it sounds like it will, I’ll be fine with it. LFR level stuff so far seems to give me enough gear wise to go do whatever I am likely to do in the open world. Which for me is fine.

Though if I stick with this guild, I’ll likely wind up doing whatever group content shows up. (Mythic dungeon/Normal Raid)