End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

I’m still salty about this. I actually enjoyed the Maw in 9.0 and am sadge it got nerfed.

Honestly, our only hope for open-world challenge is “Heroic” open-world, either heroic campaign quests, heroic patch island zones, etc. Maybe if the danger of the Maw was opt-in, then maybe we wouldn’t have had so much of a revolt about it (“Five Mask Maw”).

But then again, maybe we’d just see a repeat of Mage Tower - a lot of bad players think that unless the content is specifically group content, it is made FOR THEM, they try to engage with it on its highest difficulty, and then when they get slapped down they whine. 9.0 Torghast was an example of this, bad players ramping up to Layer 8 and then getting beat up and crying rather than sticking to lower layers.

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With that would it be rated too? or have more requirements as they are projecting in 9.2? More rated io ? Yeah,build the blocks even for lfr.

Like 99% of this game is solo content. The only things people get for group content are raids and dungeons and they get to do them on repeat for two years until new raids and dungeons are introduced… I don’t think solo content is the issue.

9.2 will be a large step backwards and not forwards because of the low iLvl of the Zereth Mortis gear. (9.0 had the upgradeable covenant sets. 9.1 had the upgradeable Korthia gear.)

It would be pretty sad to think that 9.1 Korthia was the heyday for solo players in this expac, rather than being the building blocks for a future system.


umm you obviously never played wrath and if you did… well you were doing it wrong. the emblem system is wrath was godly. i never used it because i actually raided back then but for my alts they were a few points of gearscore shy of my main. all you had to do was farm heroics on your own time and get emblems and chaching geared.


But you will still be able to down 9.2 rares? I really don’t see the issue here. You get enough of an ilvl to down the world content, so why are you still complaining?

Yes they’ll be able to down rares.

What they’re ignoring is that ZM comes with an entire tech tree designed specifically for them to give them huge power boosts in the new solo content.

An entire new power-up mechanism that is completely useless to dungeoneers and raiders.

Oh I played it.

You don’t remember how emblems worked, is the problem.

And this was unexpected because???

Sure you have a reason, to get that 246 gear.

Which is coming to an end one way or another. Either it will end, or we will just accept this is something we have to live with, like the flu.

Now you’re getting the idea of “progression based”, but it’s not for token sales. It’s for you to finally realize this is a game designed to do thing with friends, and your ilvl benefits.

All of which gets facerolled with the gear provided in open world content. If you’ve maxed out your soloable gear in any patch so far in SL, you have to try to die in the open world.


Ok I agree ilvl should probably be raised, but why do you need tier pieces from the raid??

Soulsobreezy had a testing video posted which is interesting .


Backwards is forwards. Casual content should be irrelevant but long and grindy for those who choose to engage with it, so they always have something to do but those who don’t want to participate can choose to do group content instead. This is the way.

Some of the ignorant comments in this thread has me like 😵‍💫

Personally, I do not want mythic raid gear as a mostly solo player bc I know how much they would cry about it. Also, I do not need it.

However, I do wish I could do casual random bgs with other casually geared players. I do not think that is asking too much?

Back when I was pretty hardcore and decent at the game, it wasn’t so much about the gear but the achieves/titles/mounts. It always irritated me how gear became obsolete after a few months.

Wow never defined my being. I truly feel bad for ppl that put so much merit into it. I’m more impressed with irl achieves.

Solo/casual play is very satisfying. I love logging on and not taking up others time and doing chill things I want to do on my time. :blue_heart:


It makes sense. Why would everything be upgradeable if open-world content has a superfluous amount of gear that drops in the first place?

So punish the players that actually make an attempt to get geared? Punish players who farm for the gear they want?

Reminds me of how Blizzard killed twinking at lower levels.

Then why are you here? “WoW is above me!” says the poster in the World of Warcraft forum?

You get both of those, seeing as a solo player’s gear is probably only around 225 right now, so 246 is a big step up for them. I don’t see the issue.

It is not a lie that Wrath was more solo friendly than Shadowlands, if you include Dungeon Finder. It was a large step forward for the average player, hence the peak in subs.

What do I get for spamming Heroic Dungeons in Shadowlands 9.1.5? 197 iLvl gear, which is nowhere near enough to properly do new content.

Outdoor zones as an endgame system are not working at all right now. As far as we can tell, WoW’s sub numbers are at an all-time low.

In 9.0, you saw more competitive players farming Stygia in the Maw for their conduit upgrades than you saw non-competitive players, because the gear rewards simply were not there.

In 9.1, before all the relic buffs, you would see competitive players making sure to farm every possible rare and treasure every day in Korthia for conduit upgrades again. Non-competitive players didn’t want to farm their eyes out for an entire set of upgraded gear.

In 9.2, you will likely see people going to Zereth Mortis for achievement or mounts. But it will not be as good of a gearing system as 8.3 invasions and emissaries, 7.3 Argus, 6.2 Tanaan Jungle, or 5.4 Timeless Isle.

As long as the game devs are in league with the small subset of elitist players, this game will continue to shrink over time rather than grow—with fewer players in the unrewarding open world, fewer players doing PvP due to all the issues with gear, and fewer people doing raids as they go out of fashion.


You kind of do though.

Every other type of player in the game graps that their content has a item level ceiling, except for players like yourself. You are not being excluded, there is no war on solo content, you’re choosing not to participate in end game content.

Again, a raiders power progression stops at the level they choose to raid at, but you don’t see raiders on here yelling about a war on heroic raiding asking where their mythic gear is.

lol You’re ridiculous.


It was not, you’re another person who doesn’t remember how Emblems of Frost actually worked.

THIRTY TO FOURTY-FIVE DAYS for 1 piece of gear, doing the daily dungeon quest. And when you got that piece of gear, it was at the BOTTOM of the gear curve.


They are working.

Can we tell that?

If you say so bub. I don’t really see anything that validates that. Shadowlands broke sales records on launch and from what I understand Blizzard MAUs are doing relatively fine compared to its competitors - other game dropped below a million subs from what I understand.