End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

I gave her a like for you. Even though you’ve been a bit caustic to Soloists, like me. I do empathize with your position.

A lot of players just have no idea how much work and planning goes into progression guild efforts. They see raiders in Mythic Gear and think that all they had to do was just show up and press a few buttons.

As long as I have gear to do the content I enjoy, I’m fine. Like I said before, whether you’re a dedicated Soloist, like me, or a Mythic Raider you will eventually hit a Gear Wall, where there is no more. At that point, wherever it might be, it’s time to go do something else.


Solo players usually do more than just world quests, so no we don’t always have “max” gear for our content type. And it’s kind of funny how even if you think world quests are our content type, our gear is not the “max” at all because any other type of player would have gear much higher in iLvl in such content.

A strawman argument if I ever saw one.


Yes they do. The difficulty that would be required to get Mythic level gear would be too hard for the majority of you to earn in


Like what?

It’s a reward for doing group content. If you don’t do group content you don’t get the reward.

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What other content are you doing if stuff like world quests or Korthia don’t give you high enough gear to complete it?

It really isn’t. It takes very minimum effort to get geared to the point you aren’t a carry.

Thanks for admitting you want a carry though.

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Now.it’s killing normal raiding and soloist are to get below heroic gear even if they do the world boss and also added more blocks to even that,what an idea.

Ok,blizz do do this for all content . revamp all dungeons including mythic in old content bring them up to 60 sl difficulty even when it’s in a lowbie area .while you’re doing that add more difficulty to the area around it,rise the bar so soloist can’t do ,quests and world quests in those areas. btw, in that lessen the exp they sure want that too.

As someone that’s here way too much, I’ve literally never seen anyone ask for that. The people who get called “elitists” are usually the ones who say people should follow the content progression, so this wouldn’t even make sense.


Your lack of comprehension and lack of common sense are very saddening.


The difficulty of mythic raid is too hard for the majority of people to earn too, so this is a pretty bad argument.


This!!! It’s the only reason I play WoW… for FUN. :heart:



Solo/anti-social players are one of the most entitled playerbases. While they’re willing to write off group content, many of these players believe that any content that exists that can be solo’d, should be able to be solo’d by them regardless of their (lack of) skill.

We saw this with the Mage Tower. Imagine the uproar if Mage Tower actually provided tangible gear rewards rather than cosmetics. Similarly we saw this with Torghast, which did have tangible rewards, which Blizzard swiftly nerfed to placate players.

I hate the way this situation is because I actually think rewarding solo skill-based content would be a lot of fun, but I’m not sure the forums could handle it. It’s kind of cringe that Blizzard seems to pander to these big whiners, but at least we still get awesome dungeon and raid content from the devs even if we can’t have the solo content we deserve.


No it is not. Like has said many times, an MMO game is playing with other players doing any kind of content. No place does MMO mean you MUST be in a guild or a group of some kind.


Mythic Raiders are less likely to flood GD with tears of woe if a Boss requires a little skill to take down. :fox_face:


Please link posts, because i can not find ONE!

Yeah, it’s a problem of Blizz needing to have the stones to ignore it. Had they put this challenging solo progression in back in the day, people’d be used to it like they are used to raid progression. Adding it now causes a huge adjustment bump to get over.

True, but as Snozh has pointed out, they’d absolutely flood this place with tears of being forced to do the challenging solo stuff for gear, just like they did about TF.

Let’s not pretend either group are immune from complaining.


No it is not, and it has never been. Please do not spew the MMORPG false argument. Thanks.


Maybe for ce. However multiple thousands of people still raid mythic difficulty and kill

So again you’re incorrect.

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Geez. just because a player wants to be solo doesn’t mean that player is anti-social. Nor do I want M+ level gear. I got tired of trying to get a complete set of 233 gear (necklace) that I went to the AH and got one so I could finally hit 233.

I’m a Solo player because I’m am 100% disabled, and one thing of many is the fact that I cannot stress too much or I might land in the hospital at best. Also I have “General Anxiety” which is a curse, and can’t be helped…to a point. I tried a guild, but it was too hard on me!

However, after a major heart attack - a very bad heart attack - in 2013 my son introduced me to WOW to give me something to do, because doctor says no work or strenuous activity. First MMO for me and I really enjoy WOW. I play 3 to 6 hours a day. I have not nor have I seen a Solo player ask or want M+ gear, or super high gear for playing solo in the open world.

We (solo) people just want a high enough gear level to make it fun so we don’t have to stand in one place fighting a mob for 5 minutes. You get what I mean. This game is meant to play by anyone, any how they want. It’s a business. Torghast could have been a great way for Solo players to earn gear. But…nope.

Edit: Spelling


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