End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Are there just less people that played older expansions at this point?

How are you excluded? Tier drops in LFR and from the Vault.

But will it still be purple? I don’t mind soloing for my stuff as long as It it purple and then later I can get better purples also soloing. It was that way in BFA with junkj/Naz stuff/Visions of N’zoth.

How would you know how high the stuff will go, OP? I mean, we initially got pretty low epics in BFA but by the time I was getting ones from soloing mask runs in N’zoth they were quite a bit better. I didn’t get that far after that because I got in the Shadowlands beta.

HA! Of course we do! We’ve had one since Timeless Isle in Mists of Pandaria. :wink:
Blizzard seems to disagree with you, since they started letting us get more stuff then and it has continued in every expansion. I know there are a LOT of other players who play like I do.


Because the drops don’t scale. And all of them have been seen on PTR.



No, but I mean through the end of the expansion; I would have never known we’d get a thing like N’zoth that I could solo in BFA. Unless you happen to know when the expansion is ending, which I certainly don’t know.

Ah OK (on the season 3 gear.)

Just from perusing that page it appears there isn’t as much solo stuff as previously? If any? Now I get it.

I guess I’ve been imagining my playtime in Wow since the “Timeless Isle” in Mists of Pandaria? :wink:

Wow has had a ton of soloplay content. The only things I don’t do are heroics, mythics and raiding. These days I’m pretty sure you can even experience “end game” stuff through LFR, at least.

There is a WHOLE LOT of the game that is solo, more so in Legion and BFA then there ever has been before. I’m not far enough into Shadowlands to judge that yet. In fact, getting allied races unlocked was more of a solo friendly thing than it was for someone who was only doing mythics/raiding; those were the people complaining about it.


We’re talking about season 3 gear. Not whatever comes after.

I saw an interesting video. It explained how wow stumbled across the solo experience and why it became such a popular game because of it.

They realized they had to keep players inside of zones appropriate for their gear scores so they had to develop tonnns of quests.

This turned into a fantastic solo experience which gamers loved.

At its core, your post is spot on and it’s how wow can become the greatest again.


End Classic.

Then let’s cap everyone at Heroic dungeon or LFR item level and see how many players are OK with not getting any gear upgrades until the next patch of Heroic dungeons or LFR are out. Feeling more powerful every week matters.

How do you know what other players “need”? Especially solo players who are trying to do things that groups players don’t even try to solo? And why does one player in a game have the right to decide what millions of other players “deserve”?

Gentle reminder: This is a huge game, and other players enjoying themselves and earning rewards won’t hurt you.


I hope they nerf solo play more, give me nothing - nerf me so hard my sub breaks :smiley:

I know what my threshold is for ttk on a world mob, if that gets breached, byebye

Solo players do not deserve the best gear. They deserve good gear, but not the top end.


Casual and solo are not the same.

But there is an overlap in modern WoW. A lot of solo players are willing to do queued casual group content for the rewards, and a lot of casual players are already doing soloable content for the rewards.

All of these threads ending up converging into a casual / solo tribe VS. a hardcore / group tribe because Shadowlands devs have done their absolute best to only provide an endgame for competitive group content, excluding casual and solo players who had been playing WoW loyally for years without an issue.

As soon as WoW provides power progression for casual group content (an actual functioning Valor or badges system) or for challenging solo content (gear from Torghast, Horrific Visions, etc.) then we can start to talk about the difference between casual and solo in WoW again.

For now, though, WoW offers nothing for casual or solo players or the combination thereof, and is paying dearly for it with all the millions of subs lost.


Definitely. Many players didn’t touch Vanilla WoW until they had confirmed that it was possible to solo quests.

A lot of players also played Hunters because it was widely perceived as the most solo friendly class.

But today, compared to other games, WoW has a reputation for catering only to people already in teams, and this explains why WoW has such trouble bringing in new and young players.


This guy says pretty much everything I would say. Good job, OP.


Tell you what
 I’ll follow your lead. You quit, I’ll quit. Something tells me neither of us is going anywhere any time soon.

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 yeah sure they’re purple but in reality they’re greens by comparison.


Because them trying to make people do group content (and hopefully make friends) is like a buffer for the Devs.

It acts as a buffer because even if a game is trash, people will still play it if their friends do, just to hang out with them.

THAT my dear friends is why they have this burning need to make you go into group content. When a game is solo friendly, it has to stand on it’s own merits, and WoW doesn’t most of the time.


When the MMO in question allows you to level to cap entirely solo, naturally people are going to expect solo content for them at endgame.

Currently, WoW’s design is level to cap solo, which is most of the game, then at level cap, run group instances over and over until your eyes bleed.

Until level cap, WoW is more Legend of Zelda than it is an MMO.


Rares can now drop 223 gear in the open world, while that isn’t stellar, it’s pretty good if you are gearing up.

I’ve gotten a pair of 223 plate pants off a guy, and a 223 two hand mace off one in Arden.

I was well beyond that by the time they dropped of course but it does happen now.

What do you need high ilvl gear for if all you are going to do is solo stuff? I mean 220 or 246 whatever the cap is is more than enough to do all solo content.

I agree that there’s no reason a solo/queue content player shouldn’t get access to a tier set and a way to progress gear.