End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

because i want to finally be able to solo aggramar in 5 seconds like i can WoD


I am a soloist and I am not casual about it. But I also don’t want gear that will render the content I enjoy a snooze fest.

I like Open World type Games, because they have ‘The Open World’. That’s where I like to do my exploring and adventuring. The last thing I need is Mythic Raid Gear to mess that up for me. :fox_face:


Like don’t get me wrong, gear from daily world stuff is important but like… once my toon can solo quest fine I don’t care about it anymore. For the most part my solo toons just get base quest gear and move on to cosmetics.

What power level are you looking at in comparison, will the new world based talent tree not fulfill the desire?

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What’s crazy is I’ve been back for a week as of tomorrow, after a two year break. Most of LFR is already a waste of time as the first raid is obsolete (after a week!) and I’ve been told I’m wasting my time doing most of Korthia/Maw. Mythic and current PvP doesn’t interest me. In 9.2, I won’t be able to get tier sets from LFR (seriously, I’d be cool if the tier had zero stats and I could just get xmog)…

I miss how things were in MoP; there was a ton of stuff I could do on my own/pug that felt like progression, then raid with my guild once or twice a week and do a bunch of random BGs in honor sets.


I was here for actual Vanilla WoW, and it was pretty casual friendly. Many guilds just simply invited me into dungeons or raids without over scrutinizing my gear or history. PvP was accessible and gearing was pretty decent by the end of Vanilla. If you were a really casual solo player, just getting to level 60 felt like enough of a challenge and achievement to justify playing the game.

But Blizzard is trying to turn even Classic WoW into a more competitive, min-maxing thing by introducing Season of Mastery. The increased experience is great, but did we really need harder bosses?


Something isn’t adding up here.

Season of mastery is something PLAYERS asked for. PLAYERS asked for harder bosses.

It is not 2004 anymore. Gaming has changed.


Yes, the professional players who want everything to be harder so that their achievements feel more exclusive. The majority of players just wanted a faithful recreation to experience Classic again or for the first time.

The same players asked WoW devs not to nerf the new timewalking Mage Tower, and the devs gave into that, too. The goal was, again, not to bring back the feel of the original but to satisfy the professional players.

The top 3% of players (in terms of skill and time spent) should not be controlling the difficulty and gear rewards of every last aspect of the game. Give solo players back their lane, or this game is going to continue dying.


Citation needed.

Because if you look at the classic forums right now, it’s full of people asking for CHANGES.

It’s almost as if the mage tower was meant to be challenging.

You’re not even talking about solo players anymore though. Mage tower was a solo player experience and you still apparently didn’t like it.


Where do we cap world gear though? Are we talking you getting mythic level rewards from a world quest? Cause I may as well not raid or do mythic plus anymore for gear

Yes, the previous tier is out and the new tier is in, this has been the staple for most of WoW’s lifetime, what does that have to do with solo play? And who told you Korthia is a waste of time for solo players?

Oh the dramatics! Faints

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As a mostly solo player, what would I need raid/mythic level gear for? Open world fights, even against elites are trivial. I’d rather have better stories than gear I don’t actually need.


Nowhere near as fast as it is today. Like I said, I’ve been back a week after two years away and have no reason to see the first raid other than just to see it.

In BC - MoP, I went through a path of raids/dungeons to gear up until the final patch.

A bunch of people in the zone when I asked what I should be doing there, as well as my guild. They all said the archive was a waste and that the gear there was going to obsolete in a month. Regardless, I do my 3 dailies and my daily calling. SL doesn’t hold a candle to all the stuff there was for me to do BC - MoP. Legion too. Hell, I had a bunch of stuff to do in BFA too, even thinking of farming islands.


I would have done Mage tower on every class if it awarded a full set of Heroic iLvl gear.

But the MT we got was inferior in both tuning and cosmetic rewards, so no, I didn’t like it.

Yes, the flood gates have been opened. Now that players realize that devs are making significant gameplay changes to Classic, of course they are going to have a wishlist of changes they would like.

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You went through vaults to gearup instead of just getting Thunder gear? Like what? They all had ways to skip trying to get a raid group to slowly try and gear up an alt. Which again speaks nothing of solo play.

Ah yes farming one rep for a week and being done with that rep forever. You also keep using group content in an argument about solo play. And BFA had islands? The group stuff that also tried to be PvP versus Torghast the solo optional content is your hill?

MoP. WoD. Legion. BFA?

Before MoP, the solo endgame experience was “fishing and running old content, maybe a few reps through daily hubs”.

MoP crafted PvP gear was a bit of a game changer. There was always crafted gear one could target as an endgame, but MoP made it feel like a real endgame.

WoD had fantastic crafted gear as well as the mission table weekly to slowly get raid gear.

Legion introduced WQs which were a game changer, creating a whole gearing path in the open world.

BFA felt like a bit of a step backwards from Legion, but the same basic concept was there: you targetted gear WQs, hoped for a couple of warforged/titanforged pieces to accelerate over humps and it went pretty fast. One important thing to note here is that the world was not particularly fun for a freshly leveled character. It took a fair number of gear drops before it felt enjoyable, but they tended to be easy to get.

Shadowlands introduced a myriad of slowdowns and timesinks. WQs more rarely dropped gear. Warforging no longer existed and ilvl increases were double-gated behind current ilvl and high renown. Covenent gear, which feels like it was meant ot be the gearing path, was locked behind anima which was already gating all other open world minigames and activities. Add to this that WQs were longer, further apart and more tedious in general. And basically one was left hanging in the unfun starting stop far, far too long. 9.1 fixed most of the scaling issues of 9.0 … but then turned around and repeated many of the same slow-to-gear issues in Korthia. My longer-played characters have done ok, but as I finish leveling more alts, they feel stuck in gearing limbo.

(I have not tested 9.2)

Again, all I really care about is whether the game is fun for my characters with the gear they have when they go into it, not what ilvl they could theoretically unlock by the end of a long grind.


The truth. But elitists are still circulating the narrative that SL is better than ever for solo or casual players because we can farm anima infinitely….

Korthia gear can be upgraded to 233 but does require a lot of farming.

In 9.2, there is apparently going to be 226 gear that you can buy for anima, which is lower than Korthia gear but could be a nice starting point for 9.2 if you would rather farm anima than relics.

Other than that, 9.2 world gear will apparently be capped at 246, and 9.2 LFR gear will likely be 239/246. This is a step up from 233, but not as big as a step as you would normally get moving into a new gearing season.


News flash- you can log into the game when your friends are not yet online. Ideally you can log into the game when your friends aren’t on and actually accomplish something. Part of what made WoW take off in the first place was that you could solo in the game. Grouping is better, but there are things to do solo.


I read like none of that. Why don’t you just stop playing if it makes you that upset. Go outside. Get some fresh air. Read a book. Be healthy friend.

Source, please.

Because according to everything I have read, the majority of players did want a faithful recreation to experience Classic again or for the first time.

Now that they have had that, they want something more.

Again, source please.

Oh, and exactly who are these professional players? 'Cause I really doubt the actual professional players, as in those who are paid to play and complete, care one way or another about timewalking Mage Tower.

Again, source please.

This is a MMORPG, solos don’t have a lane.

And there is zero evidence that solos have enough of a presence to create their own lane.

Casuals and solos are not the same thing.