Stop confusing solos for casuals. Casual is a metric of time spent playing.
People who play casually raid mythic and also do high end arena/mplus.
Stop hiding behind the term casual as you’re using it incorrectly.
Stop confusing solos for casuals. Casual is a metric of time spent playing.
People who play casually raid mythic and also do high end arena/mplus.
Stop hiding behind the term casual as you’re using it incorrectly.
Thats what i mean its bad design. if you make effort to create leggo at least make sure they are viable in certain way.
Why do you have to be so mean!
This thread is very “War on Christmas”
Can I say something realistic, without meaning any offense to anyone?
Casual guilds wipe. A lot. On Normal even. Or they have problems with raid leaders not being online when the raid was supposed to start, or not enough guildies willing to tank or heal.
One person ignorant of mechanics can cause a wipe. And that is why guilds have to be toxic and exclusive if they want to succeed.
The game design itself is decimating the game. Raids are getting more complicated and exclusive, more than the typical gamer would ever want to deal with.
Which would be fine, except for the fact that Ion is trying to force that level of challenge and dedication just to have an semblance of power progression in the game.
Catering only to a tiny percentage of players who are clamoring for something for themselves (while also requiring that other players are denied completely of what they need to even have a playable game) cannot be good for any game, or any product or service for that matter.
Ion is good at designing raids. But he may also be a narcissistic artist that demands that everyone appreciate his good work, regardless of their individual tastes or interests.
Man, All the guilds I’ve been in, were not like this at all.
Normal and heroic guilds wipe a lot.
Casuals raid mythic as well.
Like seriously how hard is it for people to use casual correctly.
What is with people being so against hard content? Keyboard turners and button clickers run rampant in MMO’s of all categories. If they want to do group content without being harassed, FF14 is the MMO for them.
Even then, I know plenty of folks who will gladly speak out about your being subpar. It’s not a perfect world over there either. Folks begrudgingly do older content because they have to for currency. No one wants to carry a single button DPS at level 60.
Wait for Palia if you want a laid back MMO experience. I know I am.
I don’t mind hard content, I’m just not going to engage with groups of people that think my character is an outlet for their micromanaging addiction.
They think casual only applies to solo. Yet a lot of these solo players play more than quite a few raiders or key pushers do. They will never admit that they are just as toxic to the game as they claim these elitist group content players are as well.
then join a guild that doesn’t think that way about your character.
Why would I put myself in the exact environment I’m trying to avoid. People need to accept the time of meeting people online is over and people play solo and in their small groups of real life friends.
This is how all difficult competitive content works.
I don’t like the idea that people will forgo my character either but it can and will happen. Either find people who will help or give up on that content.
The thing is I’m so good at the game that me big chillin playing casually puts me right where a lot of people are redlining running meta. They get really upset with me to that someone would have the audacity to play how they want and do well. I’m just over it.
It’s their call to make really. All you can ask is for Blizzard to FF14 it and make them play with you regardless. Players aren’t going to change.
I personally can’t stand grouping with meta obsessors. They sort of run the show though.
Blizzard: The meta is restricted a lot by player perception
Also Blizzard: We are going to make no content that is free from the general pops perception by making only group dependent content reward you for your time.
The gear you gain in a given space of content is balanced against the difficulty of said content. Open world content is frequently fairly simplistic, forgiving and rewards you more and more from repeating the same level of difficulty over and over again. You don’t need mythic/ elite item level gear for content that posses little to no challenge so don’t pretend you do.
If anything people who partake in open world content should be grateful that open world content offers a gear progression path. Prior to Legion gear rewards from open world content were static and didn’t offer any kind of progression past the initial catchup gear.
Open world contents is full of interesting and dynamic rewards beyond gear.
My character’s progression shouldn’t be limited by the people around me.
so you do have a group of friends you could run harder content with, Fing Awesome!!! I was worried about you.
On the flip side, ppl that work together, should achieve greater rewards.
Imagine that.