End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Those days are long gone in retail. Dungeon gear is just quest gear with a blue tint nowadays lol. Item level scaling is the blame imho. Back in cata , and mop to a point you could get by with dungeon blues, and characters you play felt stronger, and gave a progression feeling. PLaces like zm help, but yeah unless you run mythic level dungeons , normal, and heroic dungeons are useless in retail. They wouldn’t be missed, if normal, and heroic 5 person dungeons were removed probably. My opinion that is partly why the classic versions of this game are popular to a lot of people. Because just having a couple of pieces of regular dungeon gear makes a difference on how powerful your character gets. And like usual this thread has come down to the hunter, and Paladin mouth breathers going back, and forth lol.

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I stand corrected. Very true.

Would have been way more interested in Torghast had there been sweet awards.

Even if someone wasn’t at the top… who cares if someone is casual/solo? Truly.

I feel sorry for ppl who want to be at the top and put so much merit into their being from what they do in World of Warcraft year after year. I used to be that way. More impressed with what you do irl.

I love this game and I love wasting time in it but, at this point in life, and for the long foreseeable future… I wanna log on and chill and I am not going to let lame humans dictate my fun in a game that is all a waste of time no matter what you do in it.

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Because it’s an extreme minority that wants it in a game that’s primarily focused on group content. If you want challenging solo content then play a challenging solo game.

Multiple people have asked for it.

Hard to get an achievement for content that braindead boring that I only did for cape levels when I came back halfway through the patch.

It wasn’t hard.

I get it and disagree with it as does Blizz. What you are not getting is that braindead content already awards normal level raid gear. What you are not getting is the only thing left is heroic and mythic. Blizzard already learned that if you give solo players better gear it’s not enough and they want higher. Stop trying to turn a multiplayer focused game into a single player one.

In going to say this one last time so maybe you can actually comprehend it.

Solo players have asked for mythic level raid gear from solo content.

Solo content should never reward higher than normal raid gear. It honestly shouldn’t even give that

No, hes 100% correct. 2 a day from heroics, some from raiding, some from VOA, and you got low end tier for them.

No one is asking for mythic level tier to be a grindable idea, but NORMAL level raid gear should be grindable for those who either cannot raid or simply dont have time.



… citation needed.


Yes they have.

I know because I have been responding to them since 9.0.

No, ive seen you and others invent this idea, but youve not responded to anyone who has asked this other than MAYBE some troll who you know wasnt serious.

Every single time this topic comes up, i see the same names come in and start screaming that “yew skrubs just want the best gear mailed to you for logging in!”

Its tiresome.


There is absolutely no reason to separate gear progression between casuals and hardcores, the only rule you need is “The easier it is, the longer it takes to get max rewards” so mythic raiding will always be the fastest way to get mythic ilvl gear but not the only one

Literally all you have do is search in the search bar.

Please feel free to stop telling me I’m wrong.

“A path” is certainly not someone demanding they get max level gear for nothing. Also, mythic level gear does not imply mythic raid gear.


As explained already. The majority of solo players do not want hard content. The “patch way” to that gear would be impossible for them to do.

Yes it does.

Imagine stating something has never happened and then trying to downplay it when proven wrong.

What do you think

“Max rewards” means :man_facepalming:t3:

Dude stop. You have no clue what a majority, or minority is lol. You guys, and those forum buzzwords. Majority, minority yada, yada lol.


No. I know exactly what they mean. I’m sorry you can’t deal with facts.

Please link, or it’s pics, or didn’t happen


Try scrolling up.

Maybe put some effort into your responses since you can’t seem to put effort into your character.

Right now it feels like you need raid finder to normal raid level of gear to function normally in the world. It wasn’t like that a back then. I could just do a heroic dungeon and I’d function within acceptable perimeters.

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If you can’t function in crafted gear or mythic zero gear then it’s a learn to play issue.

Cool one thread. I guess that makes it a majority lol.


Keep scrolling. I already explained how the majority and minorities are found via achievements.

In fact one person even agreed that true solo players are a minority.

Take the L my guy.

Thats the majority of people that play this game lol.