End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Play the game solo, its up to you. But the best rewards are going to be locked behind hard content. Don’t expect mythic raid or high pvp gear from easy clap world quests or queable content.

One might ask the same as you.

Yeah, for the content they do SOLO, let me spell it out this way: The ones that do the group content get the gear and then use said gear in the world, same as the ones that play solo, yet the ones with the better gear can do more and get the chores done faster.

And there are those solo players that would jump at the chance for more challenging solo content. Things like Torghast dropping hear, preferably itemized for that content have been put forth. Torghast is one thing that can be done solo or as a group, this could easily be the challenging content for solo players, does not matter if they are solo 100% of the time or are filling in time between dungeons/raids.

The first problem is people think “solo players” only do WQs, I was a solo player for visions in BFA, was it the hardest content? no, but it provided a decent path to gear for solo players, more so if they had the skill, or research (often both) to do 4-5 mask runs solo.

The second is people thinking just because something is in game, the rewards should be handed to them. Mage Tower is/was mostly fine (maybe a few issues due to turning or bugs) but by no means should it be able to be done by everyone first time if at all. These players hide behind labels like “casual” or “solo” but more accurate terms would be: bad, lazy, impatient, etc.

I feel the best way to deal with what solo players want would be to make things like visions and Torghast their endgame, with appropriate rewards. However, I would make it clear the kind of content the gear is made for, like PvP gear, while useable in PvE, tends to lean more towards either balance or survivability for all classes/specs, dear from solo play might be similarly itemized or have bonuses tied to the content, like if Torghast was the end game, maybe a set bonus that provided say 5% all stats while in Torghast.


I healed in both Legion and BFA, I never had trouble keeping up with the AP system for various specs, and I played casually. Shadowlands is far more challenging to multispec with IMO.


I would be fine with a PvP / PvE gear split, but I also think Mythic+ Raid gear should only be usable in the space they were earned in. No getting raid gear and one shotting things in PvP or in the world. You want the best gear for world quests? earn them by doing world quests.

Keep each type of gear in its own lane. No reason one group gets gear that best in every lane.

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They don’t need Mythic level gear. But they should also not be limited to blue/green quest rewards only. There needs to be alternative gearing methods for people’s different time constraints.

A person rocking 246/252 gear is not threatening the leetness of your shiny 291 if you’re pushing that content.


ummm…right now quest rewards are 233 purples in some slots. Also if memory serves, you can grind relics to buy gear to upgrade to tier set totally solo.

252 gear is normal raid level gear. think in pvp terms thats like what 4/7 honor or 5/7 honor gear. (talking about in battlegrounds and stuff where pvp gear goes up, not the base ilvl of it) I know a 216ilvl base pvp peice of gear scales to 246 in pvp combat or war mode.

That’s the current situation btw. My DH is decked in mostly 252 gear with two 236 weapons and trinkets. Feels powerful enough.

I don’t think there’s a war on solo gameplay like the OP has stated, but there certainly does seem to be a rough delivery of it. But TBH Shadowlands was a very unrewarding experience for a lot of people, regardless of their play styles. It required a lot of time and provided very little for it.

But WoW is certainly one of the weakest MMOs when it comes to solo gameplay. Hopefully that’s addressed in Dragonflight.

Also, one thing that’s not really being discussed is how a lot of people aren’t one or the other. Prior to Shadowlands I raided with a guild of friends, I ran the occasional dungeon, and the rest of the time I played solo. It’s healthy to have that sort of variety to offer.


All gear should be suitable for WQs, as WQs should not be end game for anyone as much as a path to enhance the gear they got from their chosen end game. I.E. do the WQs in warmode, get the currency to up grade PvP gear, do them at all, get currency to upgrade M+, raid and whatever solo content people have chosen to do (I.E. Torghast).

The issue with keeping gear in its own lane all the way is players usually don’t stay in one lane all the way. Most will PvP a little in addition to raiding/M+ or at the very least do M+/Raid to supplement the gear they get from their preferred path. There is alto the idea that people, if they want to be the best at everything, will make gear sets for everythign and multiple roles, bags fill up with gear sets fast, some, like me, prefer to carry 2 sets, one for or top 2 specs (prot and ret for me) and even that can almost fill one max slotted bag, do you want to add more to that just so we have to have a set for content most of us would rather zoom through and get to what we enjoy?

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I played a bear in TBC and am also doing it now. I need 3 sets of gear min. +def, for bear, cat and int. I do that in runecloth bags what half the size of todays bags. I wouldnt mind it

THe developers look at WQ as endgame for casuals and it is for me in Retail. When you say casuals cant get good gear in WQ that work in Raids or PvP but give PvP or raid gear that is good in WQs you are essentially saying one playstyle is less than the others.

BTW - it your main argument is bag slot space, it could easily be done like how gear switches between int / agi and have one set of gear that you “upgrade” its effectiveness in each content. I think the hardest would be PvP but you could tie that to warmode on / off. Raid it could be a buff that starts at ) and maybe gets say 10% more with each upgrade when in a raid - same with dungeons. Have a similar buff for in the world.

It can be done, but you will not have “I am a raider therefore I get the best gear and no one else gets anything unless you are me” attitude. I never had that when I raided and never understood it. I dont care what others get (unless they are complaining about what I get) and never cared to sit in a city trying to show how “awesome” I am.

I just play the game

Why do you think I am pushing for things like Torghast or visions to be end game for casuals/solo players? WQs were never really “end game” to me, raids/M+, PvP, and things like Visions and Torghast were, WQs were just the stepping stone or to enhance what i got from those 3 things.


I didnt like Torghast nor visions. They held no appeal to me. I like the open world to adventure in. WQs give me that feeling. Shoot even the old dailies in a zone were better than those two

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problem with wqs vs something thats instanced, its hard to scale gear for that content. pvp gear does better in pvp instances or combat then pve. Torghast and visions could have the same thing implemented. But if wq is your endgame, its kinda hard to have a gear system for that.

Then ask for things like isle of Giants, which was the dinosaur island that came with Isle of Thunder.

The issue with World content is people expect it to be easy as everyone does it. The best you can get might be a gated area of the world that you can only enter if you meet certain requirements, like it took the legendary cloak in MoP to get to Ordos on Timeless Isle,

The issue here is that WQs generally aren’t very challenging, hence the gear generally being ‘weaker’. If there was a way to design ‘difficult’ WQs, that could be an avenue for improving the power of the gear from them. But that’s hard when WQs are open-world content and anyone nearby can contribute to them (like with elite WQs).

Yeah I skipped the cloak too. Still too burned out from Cata raiding. Been extreme casual ever since.

Like I said I am fine with what I have now (well I am playing Classic a lot more than Retail anyway, but there isnt anything to hold my attention in Retail at the moment.

came back to mop and my friend was like “orbos is up come” so i glided in from a high altitude and got yeeted out and was generally confused. my friend was like “you dont have legendary cloak” and im like “this is my 2nd day back after a few months off”

It really is dumb how Blizz handled MoP and WoD legendary stuff. Like I get removing the legendaries, that’s whatever, but the quests should have stayed in at least because they were pretty much a part of the story for those expansions. In MoP’s case even without the cloak, the last quest could flag the account to allow them to hit up Ordos. It’s just weird to have an uninstanced area in the world that a lot of players these days aren’t allowed to enter. Even weirder that Blizz’s solution was to add Ordos’ loot to the BMAH instead of putting the quests back in or just removing the restrictions lol

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Meanwhile, I got it on 12 characters, most of which I never set foot in a raid above LFR difficulty. It is alright if you skipped it due to burnout, but even the most casual of players could still get the cloak.

I have never argued I cant get something because i know I have been able to achieve everything I have gone after in WoW. Its just for me, most of the rewards are not there to do group content

I’m not sure why you have chosen to misrepresent my statement in this way. If you’ve chosen to treat other people badly, which you are suggesting you do, which clearly is unrelated to use of the dungeon finder, then it’s strictly a you problem that you have chosen to be abusive to people who you think deserve abuse because you have decided to buy hook, line, and sinker the bait blizzard is holding out to you and claim that people who are not interested in showing off how well they play a videogame and what an amazing human being it makes them to treat others badly owe it to you to support this choice of yours.

If you think non-competitive people, casuals, and solo players are playing your game wrong and should be forced out so you can ignore the fact that they exist and are the majority, who are unwilling to follow your commands and be as judgmental and intolerant as you in playing a videogame that is just cheap entertainment, I think it’s you that has the problem.