End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

You’re asking for a detailed list of solo activites. Go to classic WoWhead and look up every single non-group quest then? Because that’s a detailed list of solo activities.


Right, so you didn’t earn any titles. Didn’t need to tell me again lol.

Only within the context of someone saying there were more activities.

Also, there are more quests in modern WoW so not a very good point to make.

All I have been saying this WHOLE time is LEVELING USED TO BE THE SOLO CONTENT and its gone away…


You are trying to conflate leveling speed to solo activities. The speed is irrelevant because at the end of the day, you are still left with ONLY leveling. No one can sit here and say there was more solo content back then, there wasn’t lol.

hahahaha wow has never been a solo game except for garrisons. yall are on some drugs or something hahahaha this is an mmo the f yall want a solo game for? hahahahaha go play some skyrim

Well, there aren’t more activities in Classic. But quantity and quality are two parts of the discussion.

The point of this topic is that solo activities in a RPG (this is a RPG) should have feelings of progression. That’s the original point here. Doesn’t have to be ilvl.

The earlier games, for example, had weapon leveling, the ability for level advancements to make you feel more powerful in a zone (that’s a big thing missing right now), pet training, meaningful professions, reputations that actually mattered, etc…

There was a lot to do with your own character that felt like you were growing it. That’s not the case anymore. Modern leveling provides no such experience, so now we depend on end-game systems to provide it.

This is why WoW is suddenly my least played game. I still really enjoy the combat, but there’s very little RPG left here.


Yeah but this is an entirely different discussion, at least with what has been thrown my way. I’ve always said scaling was stupid, it was just a nuisance and I’m not even sure what the point of doing it was. They never actually used it in a way that would have made it make sense.

This was always stupid, sorry. Anytime we changed weapons back in Vanilla, we would just go grind up some mobs for a couple hours and we were done. It never provided anything to the game.

Right, but this isn’t an attack on solo gameplay, it’s an attack on gameplay in general. Everyone benefits with a greater depth to these systems so it’s a moot point to even make in a thread such as this.

It’s not. Just takes longer to get stuff done. Until you get a mount anyways. Have to be a little more careful about pulling that extra mob or two, but that also depends on the class you play. A few classes can handle the extra pull better than others.

We need to scaled up content to get players to team up

Everquest did that. Its why the original devs built WoW to copy EQ and just made it easier. Its why WoW got a LOT more popular than EQ.

There are times I miss EQ and if I have a friend or 2 EQ is fun to just go in a spot and kill things for 10-12 hours and get half a level (less if you pull 3 mobs, die and lose XP).

Things like losing forced grouping and death penalties are part of the reason many EQ players came to this game. The gameplay was more important than the Warcraft tag.

Artifact weapons in Legion remain one of my favorite systems. So nice NOT having to plau RNG grind trying to get a major component for all specs


All you have to do is look at achievements and apply common sense.

The majority of characters have at least an LFR raid boss kill or normal/heroic/mythic/mplus dungeon achievement or some sort of pvp achievement.

That’s all group content. The solo community doesn’t do group content.

Either way WoW has always been a game focused on group content at endgame. If you choose not to partake in the group content that’s fine. But you don’t get to complain because of it.

It was awful for anyone who wanted to multispec. Legit was awful.

Early on the expansion, sure. They added a lot of AP and research catchup mechanisms, so it became easier to keep them balanced. It was just nice having at least a basic offspec set versus completely reliant on RNG whims

Imagine trying to do dailies as a healer mainspec with a low AP weapon.

The same can be said about covenants and renown. Doesn’t magically make it a good system.

Building an off spec set isn’t that hard.

Damn. Hard to believe some ppl get so sweaty about ppl wanting to play wow solo. There is much more important things to put your energy towards vs how someone wants to play a game. Jfc


Are you really that out of touch?

No one cares if people play the game solo. The issue is when solo players want solo gear to be as good as group content gear. WoW has always been a game that rewards gear based on difficulty.

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It’s funny that, while I’m pretty sure I know where you were directing this comment, it applies to both sides. Solo players put a stupid amount of effort into changing a game so they can play it differently than it was designed. Two way streets and all…

Not sweaty enough to make a rant post because people disagreed with your opinions in another thread on a video game forum leading to a suspension at least.