End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Some solo players are still having difficulty clearing Layer 8 of Jailer’s Gauntlet or Layer 16 of the regular Torghast wings, seeing as they were tuned for Mythic items levels from the 9.2 raid.

If Torghast doesn’t drop the gear needed to complete it, then solo players should at least be able to catch up with 278/285 Normal gear in Season 4.

Some solo players are also still struggling to down Custos, finish the mount questline, or down certain elite rares in Zereth Mortis.

Devs should let these players catch up, too, instead of listening to the Mythic-geared players who complain that outdoor content is too easy for them in their gear.

A better question yet would be, why ISN’T there going to be any scaled up outdoor content in Season 4 that would require progression to higher power levels?

Devs have time to scale up and design affixes for 3 raids and their huge loot tables, as well as 8 dungeons (some of which have never even been M+ before), but they can’t scale up even 1 outdoor zone?


Outdoor ZM content is easy at 226 ilvl. I was having no trouble on an alt that was 224, no and no legendary, no pocopoc.

Nothing in this game outside of instances requires more than 226. I get that content should drop gear better than the gear required to complete it, but that would put the ilvl cap from ZM world at about 239, 246 max.

Who is tuned for and recommended to be attempted by a group of 3 players.

Rare elites are also tuned to be group activities.

By catch up, do you mean get the rewards for minimal effort? because that’s not catchup, that’s just skipping the content. Catchup is a way to accelerate the process of getting a character ready to do the content, not skip the content and get all the rewards.

I agree, solo gameplay shouldn’t exist.

Can’t have a war on something that doesn’t exist.

Yea, layer 16 is pretty crazy for anyone. Not just people who refuse to engage in endgame content.

Why? Layer 16 is optional.

So because some people who refuse to engage in endgame are having a hard time clearing non competitive content, the game needs to be changed.

They did. You can outgear the normal raid without ever stepping foot in instanced content. That said, there are so few players that only quest and shoot themselves out of cannons that this isn’t even worth addressing much further tbh.

Because the expansion is a finished product in 9.2.5. The only thing that is scaling up is actual endgame content that rewards actual end game content rewards.

Why would they if “some solo players” (whatever this means) are having a hard time (according to only you) clearing quest mobs?

The entire premise that this thread is based on is fiction and emotion. The devs only sin in this is not explaining to you that catch up gear is there for Alts, and as a way for you to have an easier time accessing endgame content.

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There are many times on the forums where the correct answer is “it would be bad/annoying if it worked like that, but it doesn’t”

I agree but that’s also how Cypher gear works except no Weapons, Trinkets or Rings. This whole x-pac feels like Blizz playing around with systems and never finding the right balance. Cypher gear and Sandworn gear are two recent examples that don’t really make sense.

I enjoyed the mini game of getting my Alts iLevel up to trigger better WQ rewards in BFA. I also preferred the WQ design of BFA but that’s for another thread.


Gear is already 252 in ZM from world quests, so not sure where this is coming from. I would appreciate a way to upgrade the 246 pieces from the Sandworn Relics, since the tier conversion kinda sucks when downgrading item levels for the 4pc bonus.

Honestly, so far I’m fine with the catchup gear mechanisms for alts and stuff so far. You can fully get a 226 set with Anima immediately at 60, plus the epic ZM piece to buy immediately. The 226 Conduit token can be obtained at Friendly (which takes a few quests), but would like the upgraded Revered one to be BoA.

Main gripe is waiting for the weapons/trinkets to be available with 9.2.5. Wish they would lower the RNG or something, it’s painfully stupid to try to get weapons for all the various specs and offspecs

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Trinkets and Rings do give upgrades via World quests and drops

You can get 246 trinkets via sand piles. Just gotta do enough of the campaign to unlock access to the first ones teleport system.

Weapons are a drop chance from the northern sands rare that spawn like every hour or so. Its hard to get weapons because its tied to one of 3 rares. But you can do 15s with 226 weapons. At least I have.

Compared to BFA though in its endgame it does feel bad of what the solo experience offered back then. I still believe torgast should drop great vault loot that scales with difficulty.


See below from Vanilla WoW Box

“Play SOLO OR enlist fellow heroes”

You might have been playing the wrong game for 18 years…


WTF are you talking about? Solo or “casual” play to advance their characters too, and ilvl still come in to play as once we max out all we can do on a toon, they are pretty much finished besides using to do mog runs or whatever…

I have 6 toon through ZM that are maxed and just sit and im tired of leveling new toons through this expansion. You may say “good, take a break or leave” but im pretty sure if all the people like me left, your game wouldnt survive much longer.


I didn’t say it didn’t exist, I said it shouldn’t exist.

Try reading, it helps.

Like I said, if you dont like one of the main componets of the game, you might be playing the wrong game.

Maybe you should try reading yourself.

I hear 99 EQ is looking for All Group All the Time player like you. Or maybe P99 its great for when you need to be around other people


Who said anything about me not liking something?

Its pretty fair to say if you want to yeet something out of existence, you dont like it.


Who says? You? I know I didn’t.

Back to that ‘reading’ thing again.

Semantics LOL

I am sure if I said something as insane as LGBTQ+ shouldnt exist I am 100% sure you would agree that I am an ally of the LGBTQ+ movement, right?

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Man, imagine if solo gameplay didn’t exist. That’d be a surefire way to kill the game quickly. lol.


I don’t know, do you? That wasn’t part of my comment either so I have no clue.

Maybe, but when the game had a heck of a lot less solo activities was when the game was at it’s peak in terms of subscribers. :man_shrugging: