End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

You call 20 players massive?

2 Players arena?

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20 players on 1 section on a shard. And there are MULTIPLE SECTIONS and MULTIPLE SHARDS.

If you want 40 people to appear on your shard, make a raid group and invite them all and all of them would come to your shard.

There’s 2v2 so there are 4 players
 definitely NOT A SINGLE PLAYER.

No one has suggested making WoW a solo game. I think most of the people posting here just want solo options for power progression, and we don’t even expect that to be the main feature of the game.

WoW’s dungeons and raids have always been praised, but in most past expansions, there has always been a way for solo-minded players to enjoy the game on their own terms.

Shadowlands intentionally nerfed or removed all previous solo progression routes, despite the fact that new content like Torghast was already developed that could scale to your party size.

Did game devs see that in BfA, more and more players were opting to gear up through open world content, Horrific Visions, and M+ rather than raids, and it was getting harder and harder to justify the majority of dev expenses going into raids? So did the game devs decide to nerf M+ rewards and drop rates in comparison to raids (nerfs which have yet to be reverted), and nuke Torghast as a gear progression route to give players less of a choice about how to progress?

If Shadowlands had been a smashing success, then yes you could say that the casual and solo players who had loved WoW before Shadowlands should just move on to another game because the game needs to be more competitive and hardcore for its own survival as an MMO.

But Shadowlands was clearly a huge failure, and even if Blizzard won’t admit why, it is kind of obvious when you look at how Shadowlands endgame was designed.

The Creation Catalyst may end up being a good thing, but non-raiders have had to wait 7 weeks for it, and may need to wait even 3 more weeks to get a full set bonus.

Yes, it is possible to get tier sets from the Great Vault, but the chances of getting tier pieces is much, much lower than the usual M+ and PvP gear in their respective rows.

The tradition of set bonuses being exclusive to raiding to justify raider favoritism in 9.2 is a null argument, because PvP gear used to have its own set bonuses and/or tertiary stats, and casual players used to be able to get gear closer to highest max item level. (When casual players can get gear competitive in item level to raiding, the set bonuses being exclusive to raiding can be justified as a perk.)


I just want to say everything you’re saying has been spot on.

The arguments you’re having really illustrates how little competitive players care about other people in the game.

The truth of the matter is this: The Lead Devs are from the competitive side of the game so they design the game they want, based on metrics, which led us to this space that the game is just trash.

The LFG tool for endgame M+ is awful and dated. It’s like Blizz doesn’t even want to attempt to modernize. The notion that solo-progression would ruin the game just highlights a bunch of people who are more concerned with protecting their comfort than growing the game.

MS when they come in I hope, I hope, they look at the actual metrics and numbers of accounts who do what content. This game has to stop designing the game for the top 5% first and start asking how to we get and keep new players. That’s what it comes down to.


This is the most important issue facing the game.

Having a strong base of solo players is the foundation for building and maintaining the player base.


That depends on what you think the point of the game is, and your definition of solo player. If the point of the game is to see players in the world, you might have a point, except for sharding. If a shard is too populated, it will avoid putting new players into that shard.

If you think the point of the MMO is to do content with other players, and you define solo player as one who refuses to group up for anything, then you don’t need them.

If u arbitrarily define solo as a person who 100% avoids any interaction with other players or systems (like AH) then ya, they have no impact.

I’m not sure that’s many actual solo players. Solo players, in my mind, are players that do most of their playing not in groups. That doesn’t mean they don’t join in for a world boss kill, or join LFR occassionally, or use the AH, or that they never have nor ever will pug any more serious group content.

Players aren’t purely solo or 100% committed group content players. There’s a huge gradient between the two extremes, and movement along the gradient over time. If players drop out any time they swing more towards the solo end of the spectrum, because that aspect of the game is lacking, that;s the problem.

The World in world of warcraft requires population.


Ok, I see a lot of hate going out here. Let’s step back for a moment and think before we act. Now I agree and disagree with the OP. As a solo player I get to experience the game at my pace and don’t have to worry about someone complaining because I was either passed where they were, and it made the content I was helping with to easy or being behind and having people telling me I need to hurry up and catch up. Yes, I have dealt with both scenarios, and it does upset me and other players when it happens.

I would like to do group content but not having friends or family that play anymore makes it a little difficult to when you don’t have much time to play. Have I tried to get into groups or guilds for high end content? Yes, but the issue I had with that was when they found out that I didn’t know the fights I was either highly criticized and, put down for so-called wasting time or kicked from the group and not allowed to participate in the high-end content until I learned the content. My question for that is how someone can learn the content if they are not taught through doing it. Yes, there are YouTube videos but for some it isn’t enough nor is it enough. Now some of you may ask if I had family and friend who played didn’t you raid or run dungeons? We ran some dungeons when we had time, but we never ran any raids.
So yeah, the toxic people who play WoW are one reason why I stay a solo player.
Would I like to run the end-game dungeons and raids? Yeah, I would like to try it.
Do I think the dev team should cater more to the solo player base? No not at all. I would like to see more content that is for both solo and group. That way both groups can feel like they count.


Why do people come to Massive Multiplayer games and immediately complain about singleplayer content?
Go play God of War.


Why do people assume MMO means you have to play with a group.

Google MMO definition and this is what comes up.

noun: MMO; plural noun: MMOs
an online video game which can be played by a very large number of people simultaneously.
“a well-made fantasy MMO”

Notice it doesn’t say anything about playing as a group, just a bunch of people playing at the same time.


I wish solo players would stop their crusade on grouped content and go play a solo player game.

edit: and just saw this was a necro bump

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there is no crusade against group content. solo players are a silent majority according to ion. so in DF they are going to cater to them. heck, 9.2 is catering by giving solo players the ability to create tier sets. stop being such a vile person


Yeah the goal should be to group up, make friends, and group up with friends.

I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but most experiences I’ve had with modern WoW in grouping up is:

  • No one says much of anything and leaves at the end

  • There’s at least 1 toxic person for whatever reason

  • Someone is nice, friendly, and talkative

Out of all of these the third has only happened once since BfA for me. I actually have little desire to group up anymore because either I’m just doing a dungeon/raid/pvp by myself essentially, or I’m dealing with rude people.

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Hmmm, I wish I had a fun singleplayer game that I could play all by myself and not have to interact with other players, just me.

Installs Apex Legends

WTF end the war on solo gameplay!!!

C’mon, seeing other people and never interacting with them is totally different than just being surrounded with NPCs!

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How lovely. That’s exactly how a bully would view a bullying situation. They are doing the world a service by badly treating individuals whose existence offends them, who deserve to be treated as badly as possible. Only if that happens will they toughen up and stop expecting to be treated civilly and imagine they deserve something in exchange for the rather large amount of money we all pay for low quality entertainment.


It also stated on Vanilla’s box that you could play this game solo. As someone coming from EQ and other games of the time, that was an amazing feature.

I will never touch another solo RPG - I just like seeing other people run around in the world as I do my thing. Or something stupid like I just did paid for in TBCC “LF fort to shatt, tipping 10 gold”


If you played in Vanilla you’d know this is a spurious statement.

Leveling was a huge part of the game because of the time required but once you got to level cap it was Dungeons>Raids. There was no other PVE progression.

The only thing that’s changed with solo prog since BFA is the removal of Warforge/Titanforge procs. You can still get Normal level Raid gear in the open world.

I agree with Eleusia. If you doubt I was here in Vanilla, check out my Grunt title.

Maybe its because I wasnt a teen with nothing else going on, but all I did was level multiple toons. I had no interest in raiding and barely ran dungeons other than the occasional several hour BFD. I knew what those were because I started play EQ in 99 when I was 30 (so I was an adult there as well)

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Sorry Wrong Riverwind