End Premades


15 Games played between the hours of 9am-Noon

14 Premades

1-14 Record

Guess where the 1 win came from?

if there is a bug preventing you from creating a party and queuing as a team, you should probably fill our a support ticket


You’re correct, it’s just that the game is so different than it used to be due to player made systems (i.e. Min/Max/BiS)

The fact that you can’t PvP without full consuming and/or joining a premades shows it’s a player made problem that needs a solution.

The same way 40 man premades ruined AV - there needs to be a solution because every PvP match is a PuG vs premade which is clearly decimating the entire system of PvP

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if you dont like classic the way it is, its ok, you can find a different game to play that does satisfy you.
you’re not entitled to have every video game changed to be exactly what you want.
this is the product. take it, or leave it.

the solution is join a premade and bring consumables. its a very easy solution you can implement yourself. stop demanding other people fix a simple problem that you can resolve yourself.

the av premades were problematic due to 40v5 starts. that was fixed.

if the entire pvp system was “deceimated” than how could people be constantly playing it?

if you dont enjoy the old, antiquated crappy vanilla pvp system, that’s understandable.

but this is the way it is. this is final

if you dont like it, no one is forcing you to play it.
if you want a solo experience, go to retail.

stop whining.


Content and systems aren’t the same thing. The pvp system exists as it did in 1.12 even though content and rewards are released in phases. Imo the pvp phases are stupid anyway. They should’ve released all BG’s and all rewards at the same time with honor. But you can’t win them all

The reason AV premades were fixed is because only one faction could do it. If horde could premade AV as well I almost guarentee they wouldn’t have fixed it.

lol think what you want.
the fact is, the premade discords were disrupting the game due to 40v5 starts. period. that’s it.

now horde are enjoying their 90% win rate. congrats!

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Oh I don’t disagree. We ruined AV for our own faction. But if horde could do it too idk if blizz wouldve ever “fixed” AV

And it’s more like a 99.99% win rate lol

Spoken like a true premade fanatic.

Premades were originally created in vanilla, with far less people doing it, and the complaints back then about said people are still the same as they are now. They were consisted of people who used the existing system in place, to their full advantage in order to obtain win after win. Even though the premades itself from actual players, were few in number. The current community has abused that knowledge, and gone full out premade at practically every opportunity. Why. Because they do not win with any reasonable amount of success, without doing that. In effect, players are killing other players enjoyment of the game, on a daily basis, since classic has practically launched. But that was expected. Just not to the degree that people are doing it atm. By stacking the system to your favor, both sides are now doing it and it has become a greater problem than initially seen back in vanilla.

Pvp has always been one of the major attractions to any MMO’s.

Premades only goal is to aquire the maximum rank. Not everyone wants rank 14 gear, some of us actually want to get the reputation to exalted and maybe pvp afterwards on occasion. If however you want a hardcore pvp system, go play crowfall. They reset it once per year, full server wipes of every player. They have a time based talent system. And if you die, the enemy player can take EVERYTHING you carry, at the moment of your death. Which you can also do to them.

Edit: You can also destroy the enemys towns, walls, structures, loot shops, etc. Which are player built.

I"d be there now, except my current computer is 16 yrs old, and not capable of playing it at more than 5 fps. But it is however good enough to get 90-120 fps here in wow.

This applies to literally every aspect of classic. It’s a “solved” game. Everyone knows exactly what gear they need, what mats the should farm, the way they approach every aspect of the game, and every mechanic. Just because a player chooses not to use the information available and act on it doesn’t mean the people who do are “cheaters”.

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Jesus, you kids are unbelievable. those items add depths to the game.

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Spamming LIP’s, FAP’s, and sapper charges doesnt add depth imo. It just makes it so the team with deeper pockets wins.

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no, it does. it adds number of abilities to be used in the game. you chose to use it or not.
if players dedicate time in the game to farm, why aren’t you allowed to use it?
this is what MMO is all about - you get return of your time investment. therefore cheesy pugs should suffer. go to retail!


NGL, stress aggravates my asthma and heart problems and had an asthma attack after fighting 20 premades in a row. Not fun.

Who cares? Don’t play the game if health issues?

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In other words: “This is my sandbox, gtfo if you don’t like it! No criticism allowed!”

In some ways, perhaps. In others they remove it.


This is exactly the case. We asked for this exact Game, we don’t need changes.

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Yet the alliance was complaining about horde premades in AV and they changed it. Point is, given your message: This is exactly the case. We asked for this exact Game, we don’t need changes.

If that was true, they would have let horde continue to premade as much as alliance does. And alliance would still be whining about one sided battlegrounds / always losing. But since you said this exact game, then they should put the horde premades back in as they were. Or is that an issue, mister alliance.

When they launched this game, it was based off the only version they had, at the time of its pre-launch. One could say, that this was probably the best version of classic they had on hand, to work with. They have already modified it to one extent or another, removing horde premades from av at the minimum says just that. And the patchs they’ve put in without release notes unrelated to phase content releases, says more hidden work done on the game. So much for #nochanges.

They should remove alliance premades from WSG and AB, since horde can’t do AV premades. Why, because its not fair to the horde to limit our premades, while your side gets all. 2 sides to every coin, bub.

After all, there’s far more alliance in this region servers, than there are horde.