End of an Era

Hello, chat

Just looking to read some opinions on what you guys think will be end date of rated content in WoW? Im curious because I e gaming on mmo’s since the UO days and bouncing between Swtor and Wow for a very long time.

Swtor finally phased out all ranked PvP gameplay , maybe a year or 2 ago and even with all the rewards and glad equivalent “flairs” I’ve earned on it, I have absolute o desire to log in and flex on people in casual PvP like unrated Warzones.

Clearly, we are seeing some of the steepest declines in the community and participation across the board in all rated content since its inception. I don’t know how long they will let us fall before pulling the plug.

What are you guyses thoughts and predictions?

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Considering there’s no alternatives I don’t know if we really have a timeline.


Are we


Maybe it’s a case of the mid seasons blues but I don’t think so, friend :frowning:

I see the same thread every season.


nerf BM hunters add alitle more MMR to 3s and buff dh

remove SS has ruined the vibe for pvp and just breeds toxicity with the way its currently implemented


Lel. Why? Dh is fine as is.


Stopped reading


Because Balance/Havoc hasn’t been a top 3 comp for like 12 minutes.


Nah big disagree. Ss is way better than threes. Threes you have to find 2 other ppl to play. Solo is just yourself.


Ye wreaked of bs biased post.

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In this thread:



I for one am all in on team Nothing Ever Happens, but I do acknowledge the downfall of wow pvp as it once was

The intersection of geeks who want to roleplay as fantasy classes and also pwn other geeks is smaller than geeks who want to shoot guns at each other.

After all, quality is never known for its quantity. We are few but we will endure, these cow udders are a long way from being dry


boomyrogue>boomy dh every season

What number of “End of an Era” doomposting thread is this one? I lost count.

I don’t foresee WoW arena going anywhere. I do see them way down the road going completely to solo queue PvP options (many years down the line).




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Wait I thought PvP died in 2009?


I’m sure it was declared dead well before then as well. Surely it’s really dead now though.

A lot of these replies are clearly satire but asking a genuine question
On our thoughts about the future
Of rated PvP in wow.

I’m not doom posting, this isn’t a cry for attention just curiousity. Really no need for these animosity driven condescending replies but :+1:

people say things like this and then site “i unno been reading that a lot from random people on reddit and twitter” or
“i unno the community is in agreement”

the reality is that rated participation is a lot healthier now than it was in the middle of mop and the middle of bfa
df was pretty consistent and sl was pretty popular even if the outspoken community sentiment doesn’t match

the average wow player shouldn’t be allowed to drive without supervision
idk why we allow their opinions to be published

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In what sense do you deem it healthier ? What metric are you using to
This claim
And nullifying the opinions of “average” players because if its games
Played and players participating this expansions launch has had the fewest in both departments compared to all the previous ones.

Again, take your ferocity elsewhere. I don’t know you and didn’t ruin your parade.

Well lets not exaggerate as basic googling would show otherwise.