End of 9.1 and into 9.2


I have taken a small hiatus prior to christmas season and have returned ready to continue on from the end of 9.1.5 into 9.2 and beyond. I am currently a 249 Ilvl BM hunter (can switch to MM if need be) with 3/10M SoD completed with attempts at Nerzhul at 2% and Soulrender at 29%. I would like to continue to raid as well as M+ going into 9.2. I have other classes at level 60 (238 Guardian/Feral Druid 5/10H completed, 238 Frost/Blood DK 10/10H completed, 235 Assassination Rogue 8/10H completed) Also have an Enhancement shaman (221ilvl) and Retribution Paladin (218 ilvl). As you can see I have alts as well (warlock, mage, priest, monk, DH and warrior) that I am leveling so that they are all level 60 and can work on gearing them. However, My main character has and always been my hunter since the days of the AQ Gong being rung. I dont mind running my alts as I learn them as I go along. In the previous expansions, other than my hunter I have raided with my druid, rogue, mage, paladin and DK. as far as longest characters: Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Druid, Rogue, DK and then the rest. What I am looking for at this time is a guild that is at the minimum of 3/10M and progressing forward. I come to raid prepared to raid at all times with flasks, consumables, etc. I will always make raid time unless something drastic happens IRL and the officers in the guild would be informed. If you’re looking for a consistent raider, by all means feel free to contact me in-game under the battle.net tag Geronimoe#11452. I would prefer to continue raiding on the stormrage server. However, I am open to options for faction transfers to Zul’jin, illidan or Area 52 Horde side. Proudmoore, Sargeras, Mal’Ganis or Tochondrius Alliance.
Well, that is all for now. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in game. Have a safe and prosperous New Years and hope to hear from you.

would love to talk more and discuss a potential future together. let me know if youre interested. [H] Dalaran - LFM Mythic Raiders for 9.2!

Hey man, I am the GM of Self Aware on Illidan. Were 3/10M and looking for players to finish out our 20 man core going into 9.2. We raid Friday-Saturday 7pm-10pm EST. Sent you an invite as Baratheon.

Come join bills we will take any Dps you would like to play.

[Area-52, Horde] [1/10M] [10/10H] Is a newish semi-hardcore raiding guild with a mission to achieve [Cutting Edge]. Self improvement and self accountability is a must, while pushing to clear content in a timely manner. We have a very active Discord, and leadership with Cutting Edge experience.

We have immediate core spots open to push current content. All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your role is not listed. Spots are competitive and effort will be rewarded.

Our short term goal is to achieve Cutting Edge and then push to ultimately becoming a top US 200 guild. All of our leader ship sports cutting edge experience. Our raid lead is 10/10 Mythic SoD (current tier).

Currently Looking for:
DPS With tank OS

Raid days are Tuesday/Thursday. 7:45PM-11PM EST

What we expect from you:

If given a raid spot. Be committed to your role in raid.
Be reliable, show up to raid on time and notify leadership (at least 6 hours ahead of time) if you can’t make it! 95% attendance is key.
Be prepared, show up to raid with: consumables, gems, along with gear that is fully gemmed and enchanted.
Respect everyone’s time and effort (this is basically a teamwork building game)!
Be adept and know how to play your character (using all of your spells and attacks correctly and efficiently).
-Knowledge of all the boss fights in the current tier.

Apply through Discord
Discord Invite Code: [8nhMUVk3FD]

Would love to chat Sugawolf. I sent a friend request in game - my Discord Id is below! Shadow.

Nox Oriens (10/10H 4/10M SOD) is looking to add 3-4 DPS, main spec healer that can dps and a main tank or dps/tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.

Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams (currently running Tuesday/Thursday only.)

Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:

Tempest (Mythic Roster)

Ascendance (Casual Progression)

We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.

We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695

Discord: Shadow#8257

We look forward to hearing from you.


Im still looking…

Hey bud we currently looking for a Second Hunter we are 5/10M raid nights are Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8pm to 11pm est we are on Zul’jin Horde if interested you can reach me at Sig#9905 on disc or Sig#11142 on Bent