End Heal Tanking

It’s funny when people try to sound smart after being rude, but just end up sounding like a mook.

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Wonder how tough it is to resolve class and balance issues, as a developer, when 95% of the feedback on a valid topic is complete garbage.
“Unzips and turns INTO the wind…”


Try tanking any content at all that does damage then come back and post that.

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If the game requires that tanks provide their own healing, the game is broken.


You are doing it wrong then or your warrior is severely under geared.
Call me crazy but I like the current way different tanks operate.

I’m good with prot warriors having high physical mitigation but low self healing/absorbs. I’m also good with blood dk being the exact opposite and having low physical mitigation but very high self healing. Without the self healing they would fall over because they take more than double the physical damage on average compared to a warrior.

If every tank was exactly the same in terms of how they handled damage the game would have no flavor. Be very careful about what you are asking for. Tanks already took a hit this expansion as well.

The armor nerf hurt a lot more than I thought it would originally leading to much higher spike damage. Rather than taking 15% armor from veteran I think they should have tested bringing the armor from veteran down to 10%. The nerf to bonestorm was completely justified but only really affects m+. Again I’m ok with blood dk taking more damage and making that up with self healing. Comparing logs and accounting for self healing I do think the armor nerf was the right decision but not the full 15%.


As someone stated earlier, tank self heals complement the healer’s abilities. No tank is going to survive on its one in current content. The tanks also exist in their own lore. Warriors have no spells to heal themselves because they don’t wield any sort of magic. Paladins have Holy magic, DK’s and BH’s can leech off the lifeforce of enemies, bears have druid magic.

Taking away the self heals means you have to give them more mitigation (basically turning all tanks into a prot warrior which would be stupid) or you have to make all the content easier, and most of the content in the game is already pretty easy. If you’re that much against it, just stick with prot warrior and let everyone else do their own thing.


Why? It’s just a different flavour of damage reduction.

I’m no fan of DKs, but I do feel they got a bit over nerfed in armor. They’re still competitive, but I know I wouldn’t feel safe with the ridiculous damage taken. In raid, which I know is their weakness, they still have way more effective healing required. Idk that I could handle spiky intake and needing more heals.

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Tanks tank.

Giving them healing was a bad idea. Was when they did it. And it still is.

But now Blizzard is trapped.

You want to heal, play a healer.

You want to DPS, play DPS.

You want to tank, you shouldn’t do DPS or heal. Everything you do should be threat based. And soaking up damage based. DPS and healing should have never been a tank thing.

A bad idea. Now Blizzard is trapped having to make sure tank can DPS. Just terrible.

All it was for is PvP. You want to PvP as a tank you should kill anyone ever. Why Because you should be doing any DPS. Threat, threat, threat. That’s what tanks should have been.

Flame on boys. But it’s true whether you like it or not.


Even if you go back to EQ or FFXI this isn’t true. If you do no dps, you will not keep threat with or without threat generation. Healing on tanks is healing as mitigation. It is part of the reason all tanks are not identical. And again it’s not new or unique to WoW.

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So you want every tank to operate the same and just have high physical mitigation like prot warriors. You make it sound as if tanks are healing their party. Prot paladin can do some group healing while kiting or between pulls but thats about it.

So tanks should do 0 damage and just be meat shields that do nothing but generate threat. There would be a mass exodus of tanks if they were all turned into 0 damage meat shields.


Stop thinking of it solely as tank self-healing in the absence of everything else

Start thinking of rating tanks in the context of tank self-healing + mitigation versus rate of damage intake

My 390 warrior has 60% baseline physical damage reduction + blocking + shield block + critical block + IP, he takes WAY less damage from anything physical than any other equally geared tank spec, and in return he has essentially zero self-healing (outside of a tiny amount of leech and a lucky mob kill for victory rush OR azerite veins trait that ANY tank can get)

In comparison a druid takes a much bigger rate of damage intake but his self-healing or absorbs (if any) do not compensate for it, so they are considered a ‘bad’ spec (not considering their threat, dps, utility, etc. issues)

Or even worse a DH tank who takes an absurd amount of damage outside of demon spikes (which you’re lucky to keep up 50% of the time in good gear) and their cooldowns + self-healing have been completely gutted with their artifact removal, thus they are also considred a ‘bad’ tank spec



I play a single tank spec and i am jealous/ do not understand how other spec function.


Ok then give the heal tanks more mitigation or avoidance.

the idea is to not turn every tank into a prot warrior.

some tank have mitigation, some tank have healing, some tank have a mix of both,

That’s my point, if you do that, they all just become prot warriors. Where’s the fun in that?

Ever heard of avoidance tanks?

Avoidance = Dodge + Parry + Block


Most, if not all tanks, have dodge and parry (I think DH’s have a lot). You could have a tank that relies a lot on that. That’s fine. Still doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to take self healing away from all the other tanks.

Warrior’s are not just mitigation tanks, they are or should be “all of the above” tanks.

Warrior tanking in the past has always been dodge, parry, block, armor and hp.

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I don’t understand your point. Their survivability literally is mitigation through all those things you said, but mostly block (look at their mastery). What about it?