You two are exactly what Sylvanas wanted. You know.
People who would just want to keep the blood flowing, in order to feed more and more people to the Jailer.
That was literally the whole point of this crapshoot expansion, and yet people still don’t think we should work together.
Yes. Darnassus burned at it was terrible and morbid. But what’s much worse, is that it all happened so one side could have a story
Like Mossey said, it’s easier for blizzard to write the same story for both sides, instead of trying to make everything Twice.
She’ll die. or she won’t. Story is irrelevant. Gameplay matters much more.
Most NPC’s look past the bloodshed in the hopes of a greater peace, some players want to do the same.
The whole point of getting rid of the factions, is so we DON’T HAVE ANOTHER GOD AWFUL FACTION WAR EXPANSION.
Have fun with that, Blizzard will never give it to you.
Legion = Good = High Sub Count = Both Sides got the same story and zones
BFA = Bad = Low sub count = Both sides got different story and zones.
The removal of the factions would increase the quality of content, because Blizzard wouldn’t have to create separate content for both sides.
Gameplay is bad anyway.
As for peace. Dude this story about both factions working together and then Horde going crazy has been done over, and over and over again.
lol. This isn’t over.
Every interview indicates this.
If they can burn 2 Alliance major cities then they can burn 1 Horde city.
They no longer answer to a Warchief. They sided with the Alliance army to lay siege to Orgrimmar. Saurfang died in order to prove his point, that standing together as one is better than trying to kill eachother constantly.
“Cannot kill hope. You tried at Teldrassil, you failed. Hope remains”
“You set us to kill eachother, at Lordareon. You failed. Here we stand”
Did all that just go over your head? Have you played this expansion at all?
I did play this expansion and it was the greatest expansion for the Horde player since Cataclysm.
Anyway, the Horde factions needs a teldrassil moment of their own at the hands of the Alliance and THEN start spouting this nonesense about breaking the cycle.
So far this cycle has been spinning because of Horde aggression so they need to pay for it.
Its pretty simple.
The Horde lost and suffered nothing this expansion, so this “hey guys lets be friends again” sounds extremely ironic. Especially coming from Saurfang’s mouth.
Again… The whole “eye for an eye” thing is “The Cycle”
The faction war story lines need to end, and so does the cycle. If you’re insisting on attacking the Horde and continuing the Cycle, then you have learned nothing from this expansion.
I guess blizzard can’t shove the plot down our throat hard enough, because people like you can still somehow miss the point.
Again. The Horde never had an eye moment of its own.
The Alliance player has had the “lets break the cycle” several times.
Its not on us anymore. Let the Horde playerbase enjoy being the bigger man.
Not yet.
Your argument is basically telling the Israelis and N azi germany to just put aside their differences and get along. Lets see how well that argument goes over.
“In life, I was raised to hate the undead. Trained to destroy them.
When I became Forsaken, I hated myself most of all.
But now I see it is the Alliance that fosters this malice. The human kingdoms shun their former brothers and sisters because we remind them what’s lurking beneath the facade of flesh.
It’s time to end their cycle of hatred. The Alliance deserves to fall.”
Lilian Voss
The cycle began with the alliance, not the Horde. The Orc Invasion was not stemmed by hatred, but necessity to survive. They may have made pacts with demons, but the intent was survival. In retaliation of a few outposts being conquered, the alliance wiped the floors with superior numbers and placed the orcs into CCs. Then Thrall escaped and started bringing together an ad hoc band of misfits (trolls, tauren) to help stem off Human Animosity. True the Forsaken did pose the threat of distrust, that doesn’t change that it’s the Alliance doing most of the initial stoning.
I really am amazed that there are still people that want the plot to be about Alliance vs Horde.
Aren’t you tired of it? The same story every expansion? We pretend to fight for a few patches, and then hold hands and sing Kumbuyah when the big bad guy shows up?
You must be astounded by watching paint dry.
As for me, I’d rather ditch this whole charade, forget about the factions. And prevent us from getting another terrible expansion like this ever again.
The problem is the Horde player punches me in the face and then I am told I can’t punch back.
Once fine.
Twice. No.
Three times? Seriously?
And now we are on our way for the fourth.
No sir I am done. I don’t wan’t both factions getting along, I don’t want NPCs or Players to cooperate or be neutral to each other. Actually I want all Horde races ejected from Alliance themed neutral organizations like Cenarion Circle or Knights of Silverhand.
I don’t accept this breaking of the cycle until Blizzard gives me an ending that I can be satisfied with.
IE Orgrimmar or some other massive Horde population center burning to the ground with everyone in it due to actions taken by me.
You know. Like Teldrassil, Theramore, Gilneas and other such locations.
Nope. We are forever doomed to hate each other every other expansion, while fighting over petty stuff in between. The factions must stand.
This being said, I’m not opposed to the barrier being somewhat altered. Maybe there could be a traitor quest line one could complete in order to change factions, but doing so would forever lock that character to the new faction, never able to return to their home faction (without a paid faction change of course). And this quest line could be different for each race.