End Boosting to Protect WoW

62000 on anniversary, 10000 on era and 71000 on sod. Think you are looking at the wrong numbers.

Same can be said for classic and era?

So now it’s 20000 for anniversary and 4000 on era. Yikes

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69000, and in case you didn’t know 10k plus 62k is more than 69k.

Maybe era, but if you think theres numerical significant amounts of alts raiding on fresh you are more than drunk

Oh, the word you are looking for is combined.

What’s sod numbers and cata combined?

Ok so you assume 50% alts for sod and none for era. Man that education system is really failing

I’ll remember you need everything spelled out and can’t tell from context clues.

That makes no sense, era and fresh are the same game, SoD and Cata are different.

Take away era and Fresh passes SoD next week anyway, despite the 20k alts raiding on SoD. I used to think you intentionally misunderstood things for attention, but now i’m actually believing you are a stereotypical aussie

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Your backwards system would rather have people figuring out sentences through context clues than just using a simple word like combined? No wonder Trump is your president.

Gdkps banned in era? Dual talents in era?

Can’t pick and choose to support your argument.

Yeah must be all the new alts coming through on fresh that don’t exist

Boosting is bad for the longevity of the game because it means less people are running dungeons organically leading to new players(Read: People without established mains) unable to run leveling dungeons which leads to them quitting the game because they burned out from solely questing/grinding without any dungeons to break things up or give them a power increase.

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People of intelligence would read that and think “oh he must mean together otherwise hes saying 10k is more than 69k which doesn’t make sense” whereas aussie brain is “oih tha guah durn said 10 is more than 69 that don make nor sense”

Literally the same game, neither of those things change gameplay like SoD/Cata do, what a dumb thing to say.

They don’t exist, casuals are hitting 60 and getting ready to raid, you can literally match it to the growth from 2019 classic, it won’t peak until BWL.

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No they wouldn’t as you didn’t provide any numbers or any insinuation that you were talking about combined. People with 0 critical thinking would think the thoughts in their head are what everyone else thinks.

More people live in Canada and the USA than Australia. The sentence structure means there are more people living in Canada and more people living in the USA.

Now if you wanted to combine these populations, the correct sentence structure would be "more people live in Canada and the USA combined than Australia. I know the backwards teachings of the US has pigeonholed your education. That’s why it’s best to expand your knowledge!

Yeah still casuals on sod hitting 60. Assumptions don’t = facts.

If you are matching growth rates to 2019 classic, were the numbers lower or higher than MC in the final weeks of AQ?

Not looking good bruv

More drunk Aussie nonsense. Being upside down must keep blood out of your brain or something


You would think that’s how gravity works with your education system!

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Boosting has to go.


It isn’t part of the issue tho

without boosting those people aren’t running dungeons because they aren’t making alts.

You don’t understand how stupid your argument is

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People will still make alts you just won’t see people with 15 level 60s like you do now because they buy gold(Or roll a mage first) and then boost all their dudes.

Out of curiosity I joined the Services channel and…my god. It’s just endless boost advertising. It’s sad this is what’s become of the playerbase.

No they won’t make an alt rofl.

They only make an alt because they can boost.

The grind is terrible, should have an XP buff.

This is why your whole argument falls off.

It’s like removing gdkps, rmt still nuts and now there’s just far less pug raids because people aren’t making alts to pug with.

If it sucks to play the game so you skip all the content until the end game you should just play something else because you clearly don’t like the game you’re playing you just like the idea of that game.


No, people like different aspects of wow.

For example world pvp to me is huge, should I be telling all the people who play on pve servers to quit because they miss out on half the game?

Your takes are terrible.

No, people like to rush to 60 so you can AFK in Org for 500 hours a week complaining that there’s no content and that the server is dead.

No, you should be telling the people that complain about wPVP to play on PVE servers.

You’re Glinda from wish you can’t talk.

It isn’t up to you to decide how people play.

If they only want to raid log there’s nothing wrong with that.

They aren’t paying a subscription to make you happy.

Their goals don’t need to be lined up with your goals.

And that’s exactly what you can’t get past