Enchanting Formulas

I think its really annoying that the enchants in AQ amd MC are BOP

I as an enchanter have not won hardly any of them. I have done a AQ as many times as i can. It is super annoying. I also still dont have my mc enchants even though i have been doing that since mc release lost the roll once and had the other enchant ninja’d

I want to state it is really annoying to have a profession and not actually being able to use it for myself or my friends.

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If they weren’t, they would be reserved on every single run, because people would want them for their alts or to sell.

It’s better this way, because only enchanters actually present in the raid can roll on them.

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Well they need to up the rates because this rate i am looking at about 1 every 3 months

You just have bd RNG no need to make a post for it… AQ HM chests drop plenty of recipe and formula.

Ya well that makes this game a lot of fun being an enchanter and no ability to do them. It’s not nice I have got 6 vampiric drops from chest and most of the time it’s the same formula in chests for all the runs. I shouldn’t have to run this 50 times to get my enchants I’m at like run 10 now for aq 20 and aq 40. I have 2 of the enchants that crap and we both know it.