I’m officially calling this a bug. I’ve opened Loot-Filled Pumpkins every single day now since the Hallow’s End event started, and I’ve gotten 0 loot from them, and only the 2 Frost Emblems each time. This is extremely frustrating for a time locked/RNG achievement (Sinister Calling/Hallowed Be Thy Name) that is linked to a year long achievement (What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been) with a mount reward (Violet Proto-Drake). It shouldn’t even be RNG drops anyways for the achievement. What a horrible practice. If I miss it again this year, I’m done with this.
One possible cause uncovered in other discussions about this bug is that it’s being triggered because you have a Hallow’s End mask in your bags and the loot pumpkin contains another of the same mask, and they’re marked as “Unique”. This borks looting the pumpkin until you dispose of the mask in inventory, log out, log back in, and try to loot again.
I do not have any masks in my inventory only candy. Not sure this is valid. Im going on day 02 no loot with masks only in my bank and everything else out of my bags.
If you have masks in your bank, they are still unique and you won’t be able to loot any other copies until they are removed.
Good point. “Unique” also affects bank slots. Original post didn’t talk about where the masks were; I just leaped to the assumption about bag slots.
After removing masks from my bags it still did not open for me. I realized I was wearing a mask. Removed it, logged out and back in - and was able to open the loot box!