Empty Guild Bank

My entire guild bank has been empty since launch. Is there remedy for this at all?

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Same case, still waiting.

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Has there been any eta mentioned? Or an explanation of the issue? Feels kinda bad to lose nearly 20 years of stuff.

Same here, lost so many old items I was collecting.

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Has there still been no fix for this? Are we to just concede that nearly decades of collected items are just gone?

There is a mega thread, and there are hundreds, thousands, or more, of us that have lost everything in our guild vaults. Blizzard won’t talk about it, and even the YouTuber personality people won’t mention it. Interesting isn’t it?

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That’s depressing. Crazy that it’s seemingly just being ignored.

There was a blue post in GD about it a short while ago.

That post is misleading. 95% of the items were permanently lost. Very little is actually being restored.