Gonna be a Classic Winter for me
All we needed/wanted to know!
Later than what I personally would of liked but ill attribute that to being in game
Southern hemisphere weirdo’s
This is good news, but it tastes bittersweet, to tell the truth.
Thanks for the update!
What toon are you rolling for the Alpha test?
Oh Damn!
Aww snap, betas not for us, but for internal use.
No imminent beta inc?
Told ya’ll not to get your hopes up. Told you it could be an internal thing.
Thanks for the update, but uh…Summer 2019 is pretty close.
Is “Alpha” , really the right word to be using?
I was thinking the blue post is the perfect troll post for “I’m playing and you are not”
In all fairness they guy who “broke” that the build was on the CDN updated that it was showing up on the Launcher as an alpha
im sad even tho i know i shouldnt be…
How I imagine Employee Alpha is going:
“Guys I died like 5 times.”
“Yeah, when I was level one I could only cast one spell as a Tauren druid.”
“These escort quests are SO FRICKEN SLOW!”
Classic Devs “Ok looks like it’s done.”
62 days until Summer right? 6/21/2019? I mean… Not really. close to 2 months of alpha, maybe a month and a week or so of beta with an early August Launch could easily happen. Or a 2 week beta with a 7/16 launch even.
Blizzard employees…
Thanks for addressing the rumors and giving us insight on what we’ve seen over the past few days. Hopefully a Beta testing period for players is sooner rather than later as I’m sure its obvious that many of us are excited to get our hands on a version of the game. I also hope development of Classic is going smoothly and our Classic summer isn’t too far away.
Don’t forget
“Uh guys, This elite is killing me in 5 shots and I can’t use my Bow when he gets close.”
please no beta testing for the people we dont need this.