Noticed some of my emissary quests were already completed for the last 3 days. Originally thought it was due to a server transfer on my main character, but it’s still occurring and has also shown up on an alt character I played yesterday (hasn’t changed realms). Some I turned in, some I still wanted to do the WQ. Moving forward I’ll just do the 4 WQ then turn in. Hope this helps provides some small context, hope Blizz is able to easily remedy <3
This has been happening since at least Saturday (9/28). The first few times I thought maybe I just didn’t notice that I’d done that many world quests, but for one of them I hadn’t even been in that zone for a few days. Some guild members said they were seeing the same thing. It isn’t all emissary quests, so I don’t know if there’s a pattern.
This happened to me yesterday and today. I haven’t been spending much time on Nazjatar lately (been farming jellies in stormsong) so I KNOW I haven’t put in the work to complete the emissary yet it’s completed somehow.
hola, me manda a reportar el error aquí, a mi también me sucede las misiones de emisario de han auto completado desde hace como 3 días , ojala lo solucionen pronto, dejo el auto traductor.
hello, he sends me to report the error here, it also happens to me the emissary missions of self have been completed for about 3 days, hopefully solve it soon
I think this is related to the phone app. I noticed when I checked on my phone yesterday 2 emissaries were complete but today’s wasn’t showing up.
Then when I logged in, it still showed 2 complete and the new one was 0/4. I did 1 WQ and logged off.
Later that night I logged in on my phone and it showed 4/4 complete.
I don’t use phone app and mine were completed
Maybe mission related then? I’ve been having issues with the app but I do use the mission table daily.
2 days ago I had 8 of 9 level 120’s have their Zandalari quests complete and I never did a 1.
Yesterday my 9th level 120 had the same one complete.
None today though…no Nazjatar ones or Torallan Seekers quests complete.
Same here. I noticed my quests done for Storm’s Wake. I turned in thinking I may have done them yesterday, but after thought, I reported it as a bug, as I don’t want suspended for an exploit when I didn’t intend to exploit.
im glad to hear its not only my problem, the thing is that i dont really know if we should turn in the emissary quests or live it as it is, i feel bad for getting extra stuff that you should do something to get.
Going to add my voice to reports of this happening, just had it happen a few minutes ago when I want to do the Nazjatar emissary and it was already complete.
same here and im worried to turn them in because i dont want a ban
Direct from CS section of forum saying no one will get in trouble for turning in emissary quests.
Thank goodness for that. I submitted a bug report in-game about it on Oct. 1st. I thought it had happened the day or two before that but have been doing so much swapping of toons that I thought I just lost track of a few turn-ins. On Tues tho every alt that hadn’t done Stormsong, had it complete. Then I knew it wasn’t me. Today the only character that I didn’t do Nazjatar on yesterday, had them done today.