Emissary of War quest not giving credit on Heroic S1 non-TWW dungeons

Weekly “Emissary of War” quest for 4 dungeons says “Complete 4 dungeons on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.” Just completed a heroic dungeon (Necrotic Wake, queued through random heroic finder) while on the quest, and I did not receive quest credit. Nobody else in my party received credit either.


Running into the same problem on my end. Small indie companies, man.


Jumping in to confirm this on my end as well. Ran two Heroic dungeons and did not receive credit for either. Ran Necrotic Wake and Mists of Tirna Scithe.


Same issue with Tirna Scithe.


I also just experienced this (Heroic Mists)

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Did 3 dungeons: Stonevault, NW, Mists. Only Stonevault counted. I suspect it’s not giving credit for older dungeons.


Ran NW heroic, did not count.

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Same. Just finished heroic Siege and no credit. So likely pre-TWW dungeons aren’t counting as someone else mentioned. Wonder if this is true for mythic as well?

It has to be TWW dungeons. Mists, Grim Batol, NW don’t count.
Small indie company.


Same issue. Hoping for a hotfix for this.

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Same issue.

And if it’s about it being TWW versus older heroics, maybe they should have an option to queue for TWW heroics only. Right now heroic random queue just gives you the mix. And specific queues can be slow as all hell.


Specific queues yoink people who queued random into your picks though, so if it’s slow you’re just living the dps life.
It’s really funny that this actually went live when it’s 10 minutes of testing to figure this out.


I ran Grim batol and necrotic wake heroic, no credit

Same here, Grim Batol Heroic, no credit.

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Bumping, just did Necrotic Wake and found it counted in my vault but not for the weekly.

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Can confirm that I got credit when completing Ara-Kara. The tooltip for extra loot also says “Dragonflight dungeon” lol.

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Had the same issue though I looked at my buff bar and it shows that its still set to Dragonflight and not TWW. Going to test to see if it works on Dragonflight dungeons.

Same, ended up running all stonevault specific queues. Since it’s one of the worldsoul weekly’s the que is relatively quick.

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happening here too, can we just get one reset w/o bugs???


Cut them some slack. Blizzard is just a small indie company getting started in the world of online gaming. This is bound to happen from time to time as they upgrade their systems.

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