Emissary of War quest not giving credit on Heroic S1 non-TWW dungeons

Same here, just ran 4 random heroics, and none counted. Guessing because each of the 4 “Randoms” sent me to Time walking dungeons and not current.

They need to separate the queue. Wasted a few hours on this.

Ive already submitted a bug report, it has to be the Non-Season heroics, because this is this indie companies first time doing a heroic weekly quest.
On top of that its supposed to be TWW dungeon week an not DF lol


Can confirm, completed Random S1 TWW Heroic Dungeons of Grim, Siege, Necrotic Wake and Mists on my Warlock, neither counted towards Weekly, still displaying 0/4 progression.

Double confirming that TWW dungeons count towards the weekly but not the other Heroic dungeons in current seasonal rotation. I did 1 Necrotic Wake + 3 Dawnbreaker runs and only the Dawnbreaker runs counted, but it shows all 4 runs in my vault.

To top it off, after completing my 4 (actually did 6 because I didn’t get credit for 2) dungeons it ported me to outside the bastion dungeon instead of where I queued from.


It’s only giving credit for TWW dungeons

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Same issue, H Siege and H Mists did not give credit

It also had ported me outside of the dungeon I’d been in last, rather than dropping back in the city when I left the instance group.

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Incredibly frustrating that half the dungeons just don’t count for this quest. Slow specific queues it is I guess.


Yep. Came here to check.

I just did Necrotic Wake- No credit.

I also find it hilarious that on the top right of my screen I see the bonus event as ‘Dragonflight Dungeons.” Did the Blizz employees come in drunk this morning?


i run a DB and didn’t count also

not all heroes wear capes

Just wish I had noticed this before running three of the older dungeons in the que…

Did 2 heroic runs didnt count, grim batol and siege of boralus neither counted, this is a time gated rip off

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Same, bump

Yep, same on two of my characters. Only the TWW dungeons are being credited for the quest

Can confirm non-TWW Heroics are not counting.

I am also experiencing this. Completed 4 heroics and only got credit for 1.

Heroic Grim Batol, no quest credit.

I decided to check Bug Reports for any problems with Heroics for the weekly before starting and shocker, there is.

They are so predictable.