Emergency maint is desperately needed

How cold they release the game in such a untested garbage state?

Memory crashes during dungeons dcing entire party
Alleria portal not opening
LFG bugged out
Friends list bugging out

What else is broken? Its insane how they seemed to have fired any and all testers and ignored all PTR feedback and rushed it out.


A lot more. Seeds not counting for one once you do the first 3 for the weekly, you cannot get the last two until you turn it in, that is my guess at least.

Typical Blizzard incompetency, they broke LFR the game hard crashes during the fight for half the raid. Somehow managed to kill him but dear god the level of incompetence this company has. Also Alleria’s void portal is bugged to hell takes multiple reloads of the server phase for it to spawn


Enabling the mature language filter fixes the LFG bug, so there’s likely something odd connection that’s causing a problem. But for now, that fix works.

I didn’t encounter any issues in LFR, just that the LFG tool was bugged until trying the fix.


Well that has to be the stupidest bug ever. Holy…

Just wondering/throwing this out there… anyone else had a “random PC crash” ever since the patch went live? I was on a flight path earlier when suddenly my screen blacked out and the entire PC rebooted itself

Almost makes me wonder if it’s somehow related to the patch since last few weeks my PC has been rock-solid (no crashes, no DCs, etc) up until today…

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Clown company


Check the windows event viewer. I know a few games have been getting crash issues from GameInputServices

Blizzard true indie gaming company.


ts the wow you deserve.

I wonder if that’s actually a bug lol…seems like a focused “solution” to using their social grouping tool.


Three hard crashes in Sarketh LFR and it happened to a lot of people too. They screwed something up pretty badly


Sure, they fired their customer support and (clearly) QA teams, but think of the value to shareholders that brings!


I wasn’t even grouped or doing anything “resource intensive” - I was just minding my own business on a flight path from point A to point B and suddenly screen goes black/PC crash and the computer rebooted itself

Was definitely weird/unexpected

maybe i should buy some stock and share in the value.

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Oh that was just SkyNet coming online…


There’s a workaround for this one at least…

This, does not work for everyone. I’ve tried taking off all adons and then doing this trick over and over. Nothing, Ive had addons on and tried over and over. So, for alot it might but it doesnt for everyone so they need to fix the whole problem all togther so everyone can actually play.

Maybe they can fix up that Troll Heritage set while they’re at it, this whole day has been one flop after another for them like they procrastinated everything for 10.2.7 and just shoved what they had out the door.

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They also broke the timewalking campaigns for Warlords of Draenor and Legion.

Starting either of those timewalking campaigns now directs you to go straight to the expansion zones to continue the campaign. So there’s no longer a quest chain that directs you to the Dark Portal to send you to Khadgar so you can ‘Storm the Portal’ and for Legion you can’t even get to the Broken Isles without the help of a Mage to start the campaign as the Azsuna Portal doesn’t function until you’ve actually gone to the Broken Isles at least once and the Legion Invasion scenario and its quest chain is missing.