As you may know from the recent angry Bears, there is a major new issue as of Friday (01March2024), but it also impacts Feral so FYI see below.
Essentially, Regrowth
is borked now and will break your form if there is no Predatory Swiftness
to consume.
Let’s hope this gets reverted asap or they find a way to return the exact functionality back to us. In the meantime, the following macro might help.
After some testing, the best technique is to simply drag Regrowth
onto your bars from your spellbook or use a simple macro such as the following:
Note: This topic discusses Regrowth
, but the problem also impacts Entangling Roots
, which can be handled the same way.
Basic Regrowth Macro
#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [nostealth,help,@mouseover][]Regrowth
Cat Form Buttons on Caster Bars
This one is still relevant. Simply drag cat form from the spellbook onto your bars as caster so it takes up buttons 2, 3, and 4 (or whatever you spam as feral). By accidentally being in caster form and pressing buttons you will end up back in cat form eventually.
So, drag it from your spell book, or use your typical cat form macro like the following:
#showtooltip Cat Form
/cast [nostealth,noform:2] !Cat Form
Weak Auras
Be sure to have a weak auras (or similar) to track your Predatory Swiftness
proc. When the proc is active you can safely use Regrowth
or Entanging Roots
. When it is not active, you will be forced out of form.
Not To Do
So far, we have kicked around some other macro ideas, but these fall short compared to defaults noted above. For example, Cast Sequence is klunky and when you want to hard cast Regrowth
you cannot, unless in Moonkin form
. The same for any other macro that forces you into cat form if you are detected to be in caster form.
If your custom macro forces you into cat, the work-around for hard casting Regrowth
is to always do it in Moonkin Form
if you have that. However, the cast time is slower and of course an extra GCD to get into Moonkin. So, compared to being able to hard cast in caster form when needed, the other macros that switch your form cannot be as good as the defaults for Regrowth currently.
Old Content Below
These are the ones not to use, but do what works for you!
#showtooltip Regrowth
/castsequence reset=5 Regrowth, Cat Form(Shapeshift)
#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [nostealth,noform] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cast Regrowth
As for the semi-official post so far, you can review the following:
Research Topics
How will you handle changing your global setting now? Will you disable automatic form changing and then use /cancelform
macros? That seems to have good control.
Turning off shifting globally cannot be done in combat and cannot be done with /console
commands as before. Therefore, it must be done with CVAR or addons. I am still testing that out and maybe a weak aura would be nice to show that status.
For a modern piece of software, they sure do a good job of making everything feel fragile and hard to work with.