Hello, I am a returning player for 10.1. I am looking for a casual raiding guild that raids 1-2 nights a week. Preferably a guild that isnt pushing hard, are laid back, and are here to have fun. The max I am looking to achieve would be AOTC at a slower pace. I am also looking for a guild that has m+ nights but that isnt a requirement for the guild I will join.
I am a warlock on EmeraldDream NA alliance, current ilvl around 400 but working on gearing with upcoming events released week 2 of 10.1.
My discord is flameless#2015 or reply here, thank you <3
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Hey there Velfly!
You have Discord friend requests turned off, but you sound like exactly the sorta player that we wanna have around in terms of goals! I’ll drop my guild spam below if you wanna check us out!
Raid time: Thursday, 7-10 PM CST (server)
Raid prog: 8/8N, 8/8H VotI
Refresh is a 1-night, AotC focused guild on Dalaran-US. In anticipation of the new raid coming in 10.1, we are opening up raid recruitment! You’ll find our recruitment priorities below, and you can read more about us below that. Hope to talk to you!
Initially just an idea among busy friends, Refresh has blossomed into a friendly little community of busy adults, parents, professionals and more. We all have one thing in common: we love raiding in WoW but are too busy to commit to the more intense schedules that we used to when we were younger. Our single weekly raid night allows us to continue to enjoy our hobby, but without committing to 10+ hours a week. Despite our casual schedule, several of our core players have hardcore roots, and that shows with the efficiency of our raid nights. We get serious when we need to, and that allows us to reach our goals each tier despite the limited schedule. You won’t find a better group of busy adults to slay some pixel dragons with.
What we look for in an ideal member of the Refresh family is someone who feels comfortable and confident in their role within raid, someone who meshes with our tight-knit, friendly group of players, and someone who can reliably make our one night of raid each week. If that sounds you, please check us out!
If you’re interested or just want to know more, add us on Discord!
Hello there Velfly, I just wanted to reach out and see if maybe our guild [Children of Gygax] might be of interest to you! We’re just a group of older adults I’d say around 25+ raiding and doing mythic + when we can with each other, some of us like to push high keys so there’s a good place for that here and some just mid. We are a AOTC focused guild and we get that each tier, along with an achievement run of the raid. We raid Thursdays/Sundays from 9pm est till midnight. If any of this sounds good let me know! You can reach out to me here or add me to btag : Vercross#1411, or my discord Xcrush#1465 to chat more! (Tried to send you a dm in discord but it looks like you’re not accepting friend / dms currently!)
Hey Velfly, sounds like we might be a good fit for you and we just so happen to be in need of another warlock. Vitae Rising is an adult AOTC guild on Thrall that raids Tues/Thurs 7-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST). We are intentionally small, because we value quality over quantity and believe in recruiting people we actually enjoy playing with. Outside of raiding, we like to push keys and have a few folks who dabble in pvp. If you’d like to know more, or would be interested in setting up a trial, add me at Rawrabear#1450 or Fenrirulv#4433 (discord).
Hey there, I saw you mentioned that you only wanted to shoot for AotC, but I’d be interested to see if you’d be interested in some chill mythic prog as well? We’re primarily a bunch of older raiders who don’t have the patience to deal with elitism/toxicity/screeching/etc, so we keep our raid group friendly & laid-back! Hit me up if we interest you. 
Chaotic Neutral is a long-established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon that has been around since TBC! While we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we’re a guild that prefers to have fun than get angry about progress.
We raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST with an optional Saturday extra prog/alt night in the same time frame if we have the people. If you’d like more info on our previous progress please visit our WoWProg page, for our loot rules please visit our forum post. All we ask of raiders is to research fights and research your own class so you can play to the best of your ability!
For VotI, we were sitting at 8/8H & 3/8M with Sennarth at about 18% on our best pulls before our raid break!
We also have members who love running all levels of keys, and would be happy to bring more people along!
I’ll leave all our additional info below that I recommend checking out, but if you’re interested then please add my btag or discord to get in contact or put in an app on our guild site, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search! 
Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Forum Post: [A][Turalyon] - 8/8H & 3/8M | Recruiting for Dragonflight! Class Needs updated!
Guilds of WoW Page: https://guildsofwow.com/chaotic-neutral
WoW Progress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Recruitment Contacts: Btag - GingerHeals#11438 | Discord - Sulveris#2701
Hi there! We are located on Zul’jin. We are welcoming to people from all walks of life and LGBTQ+ friendly. We raid Sun/Wed 8-11pm EST. Our guild leader/raid leader has been leading guilds and raids since Vanilla. While we do focus on progression and obtaining AOTC, we don’t treat it like a job.
We have a dedicated M+ Officer who was >3k this last season. He, and all of us, are willing to run keys of all levels. Outside of game, we love to hang out in Discord and even have Discord parties. We are all adults, chill, and have mature senses of humor. We support each other in game and out of game. Hope to hear from you! Contact us on DC: Kristen#2103 or BaristaOverlord#8203