I’m trying to do the side questline Gutter Work in AK on my main to get the battle pet Slim. I did the side quests on an alt prior to the patch, but it does not seem retroactive for those who already completed it. According to another post, this quest has been bugged on PTR for at least a month and we would have had to do the first two quests before the patch launched, then the last three quests after the patch to get this battle pet to circumvent the bug.
While on the quest “A Fin of Every Kind,” I received the Emerald Necklace quest item that starts the following quest, “It’s Pretty Gross.” When trying to accept the quest, it gives a “You don’t meet the requirements for that quest” warning. I have completed the whole main campaign on this character. I tried turning in the previous quest first in case it mattered, but didn’t help. I tried discarding and relooting the quest item.
Additionally, I don’t even see the “Grand, Gutsy Solutions” achievement when searching in-game, so possibly it’s hidden until completed after the patch?
came here to post the same thing.
Completed the quest on my main previously and have not been awarded the pet.
Have tried to redo the quest on alts today and cannot accept the quest from the Emerald Necklace item.
worse: they were told about this "Gutter Work" Storyline bugged
Yeah I found that, too.
It’s the one I was referring to in my post.
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Well, good to know that I just have to wait on a fix for this instead of trying it on an alt, since unfortunately I don’t have another character that happened to be in that exact progress state which allows completion.
check your journal. it was snuck into mine
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search for it. it’s 25 now.
i noticed on wcp that the number was different than expected when updated and i looked and didn’t see that one from the previously list. i dl it from there periodically to use as a way to track what i hunt in game.
that’s how i caught the sneak add.
for anyone who mght not know wcp → warcraftpets
its a website. best one for collectors to join
the other one you should know is xu-fu (wow-petguide)
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Yeah I forgot to come back here and update the thread, I found it in my journal this morning, so I guess the hotfix made it retroactive for those who already did the quests. The achievement is still nowhere to be found, so I’m not sure if they just nixed it and you just get the pet on the backend.
There are also some workarounds for the quest listed in the recent comments for those that still need to complete the storyline:
Friend and I went back to do this to get the pet on level 80 alts since our mains had already completed the quest chain (together). Made it thru the wierdness of the delete-the-necklace-and-go-find-the-next-quest-in-the-water issue (which sub-80’s dont experience for some reason), and finished the quest. He went to learn the pet and he already had it in his journal. I, on the other hand, did not. So only I needed to do it on an alt.
The sheer number of weird bugs this expac, sheesh.
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unfortunately for me i tried all the “bug work arounds” on 2 alts. the first i turned in the quest first by accident… neither one got the next step so it seems the work arounds are, pardon the pun, buggy
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