Emerald Dream RP Character Profiles 2022

Introduce your main RP characters-2022 edition

Name: Jimmirus Moonshield
Age: 11,000
**Occupation:Imperial Army of Zin Azshari…Refugee

Backstory: From the War of the Ancients to the War of Thorns, Jimmirus has lived for millennia witnessing the death and rebirth of Azeroth many times over. Living in retirement and relative peace within Ashenvale forest, the genocide of Teldrassil caused a wound in his soul so deep that he can only compare it to that of the devastation caused by the Burning Legion 10,000 years ago.

With his war glaive unsheathed once more, Jimmirus seeks vengeance, justice for the Kaldorei.


Name: Lluagor “Llu” Quickfuse
Age: 30s
Occupation: Head of the Quickfuse Cartel

Backstory: Getting his start as a mechanic and gunman aboard a zeppelin crew leading up to and during the Third War. He would soon find himself stranded in Northrend, due to a crash that… may or may not have been his fault. There he lived for several years, alone, scavenging and studying the machinery in the area.

When the factions marched on Icecrown, he would finally return with them to Kalimdor.

Once in Orgrimmar he started picking up odd jobs here and there, until eventually he got more work than he could handle on his own. Finding other skilled goblins to help fill these jobs, he became a contractor and gave birth to the Quickfuse Cartel.


Name: Doc Snok
Age: Time is Money Friend
Occupation: Doctor of Snokology

Backstory: Snok was born to a large family of Snoks in Kezan. After the family fell on hard times during a failed coup against a local fish monger, the family sold Snok and his siblings to vaious merchants and mining operations. Snok was fortunate enough to wind up in a sweatshop making footbomb jerseys and party outfits.

Later, Snok was given to the services of Master Tailor Keelen Sheets, who was running low on leper gnomes in Silvermoon. Unable to stomach the conditions, Snok escaped to Undercity where he excelled not only in tailoring but in learning from the Royal Appothecary Society about wonderous advances in science without any of the pesky notions of ethics. Of course, the quest for what could be and not what should be may have been too much even for the Forsaken.

After Doc Snok had to leave Undercity due to a slight contamination leak, a cousin introduced Doc to the Quickfuse Cartel. Doc provides his “medical expertise” to the Cartel, for a price of course (still waiting on those 5 coppers, Llu). Doc is happy in his new home and hopes to one day have his own Cartel (eyes Llu sleeping with one eye open…)


Name: Beneficiary “Bene” Boomfingers
Age: 40-ish
Occupation: Pilot, explosives and incendiary devices contractor

Backstory: Born in Cosmowrench in Area 52, Outlands, her parents were part of B.O.O.M. She grew up making bombs for both the Alliance and the Horde while they battled the Burning Legion. She is an expert bombmaker.

Tired of the monotony of bomb making and Netherstorm’s unpredictable seismic situation, when she got word that Illidan had been defeated, she knew she had to get outta there. She stowed away amongst a group of Horde bound for Azeroth.

She roamed Azeroth alone for 5 years, surviving by pickpocketing, bartering bombs and incendiaries and the occasional murder for hire. She was hired by a couple of drunk fisherman in the Broken Shore to kill an infamous necromantic goblin. While trying to execute him, learned he belonged to ragtag group of misfit goblins in the Quickfuse Cartel. Instead of completing the hit, she pocketed the gold, and joined the Cartel. The fisherman are still hunting her down to this day.


Name: Kerrie Moonsong
Age: 4,034
Occupation: Hunter, tracker for Kill Order

Backstory: Kerrie was found by a farmer and his wife days after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, where both her parents perished. Her mother was a Sentinel who fell in glorious battle against the dreadlords and Archimonde, her father standing by his wife’s side until the end. The farmer and his wife took in the troubled young night elf who struggled with so much loss. She was trained in the ways of the hunt and armed with her bow she provided for the family and surrounding farms when needed.
She was hunting the day that a rogue band of orcs happened upon the farm, she arrived too late to save the family that had taken care of her all the years after her parent’s deaths. She tracked the band for days until she lost them in a storm. The arrowhead around her neck, the very same that struck the farmer down, a constant reminder of what they took from her. She hunts them still and blames them all.


Name: Joenn Dov’Aali
Age: 230
Occupation: Lorewalker, officer of The Ashen Vale

Backstory: Joenn grew up in Nagrand on Draenor, and fled to Azeroth as most of their kind did, on the Exodar. Their family didn’t make it aboard, however, and Joenn spent many years alone on Azuremyst Isle after the ship crash-landed. When the Jade Mist parted and the Alliance discovered Pandaria, Joenn decided to leave the island on a pilgrimage.

They spent many more years training among the monks of Kun-Lai Summit, eventually becoming a Loremaster. The monastery come under attack when the Legion invaded, and Joenn assisted with the order’s relocation to the Wandering Isle. When the Fourth War broke out, they traveled to Boralus to chronicle the war effort.

It was shortly after the end of the war that Joenn met Priestess Aeriara Lightsong, who convinced them to join The Ashen Vale. Joenn and the Vale became embroiled in the Ravens’ War, which eventually brought them back home to Outland after over a decade away. It was also through this conflict that Joenn met their wife, Thysera Bearsong.

Though Joenn is a seeker of peace, they have learned not to run away from conflict, for it is in facing adversity that we grow stronger together.



Age: 4,000 yrs
Occupation: Kaldorei Warden

Being a Warden, Strongbow was a hunting dog for Maiev and the leadeship of Darnassus. He has been all over Azeroth exterminating the enemies of the Kaldorei.

He is never without his 2 hounds who have an affinity for tracking demons and the ichor of undeath.

On his most recent return to Kalimdor he found Teldrassil in ashes and with no leadership to reign him in, the hunting dog has been unchained.


Actioncat (real name unknown)

Age: 38

Occupation Scout/Trouble maker

Backstory: This ones story is tricky. His name unknown to anyone, for he chooses to mask his real name.
From the deserts of Vol’dun this small vulpera learned early to be fast and swift. Early on he learned the value of hunting and obecame proficient in swift kills, preferring the use of an axe, over a bow. Utilizing traps and explosive vials he quickly became adapt at being able to bring down the largest of foes. He also acquired a taste for fine liquors and ales.
After discovering the horde this vulpera likes to partake in drinking all of the many fine ales and beers now available. His favorite include Dwarven stouts, thunderbrew lager, and gordoks green grog. Actioncat doesn’t mind dwarves too much even after the actions of the Alliance…. he will turn a blind eye for a good ale.
One thing this vulpera enjoys currently is hunting down certain Alliance guild members. Though he may be alone at times always watch out for he always has friends near by. Do not expect a fair fight! He will take your things if you die. Lastly do not pet this vulpera. You will end up with a nasty bite or an axe between your shoulder blades. He apparently loathes those that think it’s ok to pet him simply because he is 3 feet tall.
This one’s name may never be known, but do not overestimate his ferocity in combat. Treat with caution and watch your belongings.


Name: Vile

Age: Summoned 9 years ago, true age unknown

Occupation: Fel imp, dimwitted errand boy, honorary goblin of Quickfuse Cartel

Backstory: Entering a summoning pact with a somewhat eccentric warlock, Vile often goes months away from his master’s side. It is believed that his master is a recluse, and often sends Vile out along with his other demons to run errands, such as soul harvesting. One one such outing, Vile was rescued by a team of Quickfuse goblins. After seeing the imp in action, they offered him a job, mistaking him for a very odd looking goblin. On impulse, Vile signed their employment contract. When they realized their mistake, it was already too late. Apparently the contract had no clause preventing the hire of employees of the demonic persuasion.

With his master’s blessing, Vile continues to moonlight as an honorary Quickfuse Cartel employee, and has even begun to learn from them. He has become fascinated with gold and shiny trinkets.


Name: Gibbet (real name unknown)

Age: Unknown for sure. Looks 17 before crossing over

Occupation: Wanderer, Scholar of Entropy

Description: Slight of build, just shy of 5 feet in height. Remarkably ‘intact’ for one of the Forsaken. Features of note are the stark white hair, a pronounced scar on her neck, and small horns growing from her forehead (side effect of her chosen profession). She seldom speaks but when she does it’s in a soft rasp that looks painful.

Back Story: Gibbet does not know or remember her birth name, or much of what happened before her transition. She occasionally gets bits and pieces – more like feelings – of a past life. It wasn’t pleasant.

Feelings of being hunted and chased, perhaps because of the natural affinity that drew her to her calling. She had hoped hiding in the plague lands would save her. She did not understand that cruelty and tenacity are often close bedfellows.

Capture, and angry shouts calling for her death, often greet her in dreams.

The hanging, however, that she remembered vividly.

Either they were inept, or especially cruel, but they botched it leaving her slowly strangulate without the mercy of a broken neck.

One small bit of satisfaction was being able to see the mob become infected by the plague that still lingered outside of Stratholme as she rasped her final breaths.

She was found by a forsaken patrol still hanging near the Plaguewood. They cut her down thinking they could use the fresh parts but found that she had crossed over into undeath as she started thrashing in the cart.

They tried to talk to her but she was in a perpetual state of shock, clutching at the phantom rope she thought was still around her neck.

Not unusual for the newly awakened; especially under her particular circumstances.

They took her to the Undercity to be examined by the Plague Doctors and perhaps entered into the roles of the Forsaken.

They found her largely listless, often staring at her reflection when the opportunity presented itself touching her hair and rasping (due to damage from the rope) how it had changed.

Since she had no memory of her name or past life they needed a name to enter into the official roles so the clerk chose “Gibbet”, apologizing for the “gallows humor” with a dry chuckle.

She was then taken to Deathknell where she began her journey.

Currently she wanders studying the exquisite mysteries of entropy and decay, drifting here and there. The Shadow Lands have provided an excellent way to study entropy and death.

Personality: Despite her circumstances and chosen path she can be quite outgoing but it takes time as she has a deep initial distrust of strangers. She take’s an engineers delight in the mechanics of entropy and their study.