Emerald Dream Quest Campaign?

I don’t know what this quest is? It popped up on my druid. I did the gear wipe thing, and don’t even remember where I had left off with her.

You can see it’s a main campaign quest, but what main campaign? BFA? Legion? Cataclysm? Etc? Where do I go? Also, clicking on the plus and minus does nothing. I can’t even pull up a quest box to find out what it is about. If I just ignore it, will it go away when she starts Dragonflight?

Googling it brought me to Darkshore… but the character is level 57… I could have been doing it Chromie Time, but I am really confused as to what main quest this is?

I have similar issue because I’m a new player and I did not finish some campaigns. I’m still working on everything I have in dragonflight, I’m working on my renowns especially those that open questlines. Hopefully it will help me to open this new emerald dream campaign. If anyone can give any other tips would be nice.

Oh, yeah, I forgot I made this post.
When I first wrote this back in September I only had it on a few characters.
I thought it was a quest I had abandoned.
Now all of my characters have it.
It’s the new Dragonflight Emerald Dream Chapter.

So two of my level 70’s have this. The other one is stuck on 3/9 Dragonflight. Maybe it’s meant for alts but it’s kind of buggy because I never finished the Dragonflight campaign.

I don’t even have Dragonflight on two of my three accounts, and they still have the quest objective. :rofl: