I was in seaghyn! BE pally, Chantilly
Character: Fyahrin
Guild: Aura, Disorder
People who I played with: Alcot
Character: Ovelia / UD Rogue
Guilds: Mushhedz, Ruthless, Shattered Oath, Titan, On Cooldown
I rolled on Fairbanks (horde) - battle tag is clam#1410 .
i think this is the one name in here I recognize so far - did you start as alliance and come to horde at some point?
Name: Snowybunny
Class: Mage
Race: Undead
Players: Atalos, Ledenican, Rokh, Mandymoo, Cupchick and many more!
Going to play classic with Oxy and Mashale. Come find me!
Name: Firaxe
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Guild: Iron Serpents
Players: All former Iron Serpents. We’re reforming the guild on Grobbulus and would love to have as many of the old crew back together as we can get.
yeah that’s about right ^.^
yeah my mages name was jehn
yes i did, because of zajiwa’s trolls in teldrassil event he did. I had 2 accounts since you couldn’t have both on 1 server
Tajnar here! Mattratt and I are playing classic with Syncmaster, Earthpig, Growll (Pinkstuffinz), and a few others from the old Keepers and the Path and Shatter Oath guilds.
Hello, what’s this? I’ve missed some of the old ED Horde folks over the years… took a really long break from gaming but decided to come back and burn some hours in Classic and capture some nostalgia. My memory is so bad, so my apologies in advance, but I’m blanking on so many names atm. I premade a character on Grobbulus but the queues were too long, and settled into the Deviant Delight server.
ED 2004 - 2006 Characters that I either Raided or PVP Grinded with:
Uunder - Undead Rogue
Xios - Undead Priest
Kruunch - Undead Warrior
oh my god, Sabrissa?! is that you? recently started playing again, where are you playing on?
Name: Seik
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior (Arms…yes, that is important)
Guild: I can’t remember…something to do with Wolves? Storm Wolf or something.
I’m playing on Arcanite Reaper. I doubt anyone remembers me…but hey, thought I’d give it a shot.
Dude! Its Z! I was wondering if anyone would post here. Good to see ya Agrona I wonder if we will see Tarnish ever again. Bull and Cookie and Dabs! Hope they check this post out. If so, whats up guys! My bro Nuerovex and Devilix as well. Come back guys! haha Classic is where its at
Name: Zelric, Zhurgh
Class: Mage, Warlock
Race: Undead
Guild: Dark Trust
For the record, this is the same account I have had since vanilla
Character Name: Balazaar, 60 Enhance Shaman (I was the one with Hand of Ragnaros)
Guild: Keepers Of The Path (was one of the founding members)
Just basically looking to see if anybody from the old days is playing anymore. I know we used to raid with Shattered Oath. Anyways, I’ve rerolled warrior on Grobbulus. If anybody is interested, hit me up!
pretty sure I remember raiding with you while you were in Shattered Oath on joint raids with Keepers of the Path. I was the enhancement shaman from KoTP with the Hand of Rag.
• Zaydn, Blood Elf Mage; Kagzok, Orc Hunter; Nadielle, Blood Elf Rogue
• Assault on Alliance
• Reaperhorn, Horrere, Cobriana, Deathblossom, Lightblossom, Ankomst, the tauren who blasted Alliance out of their flying mounts in Wrath of the Lich King. The good trolls from Blackmoon Tribe. The dwarves of the clan. Rogues from that guild with the night-synonym. All others with a roleplayer’s heart. Currently on Grobbulous.
Petabane seeks Ivarr or anyone from Disruption guild
Hi on Emerald Dream my toon was Human rouge Named [Ridén] and My main Horde toon was Named [Sepharoth] Im playing horde Undead Rouge Named Riden
'ello, mon. Mort’s still around, Zaji comes and goes, and I just peeked in for Classic. Get at me and let me know who I’m catching up with!
Edit: Also hello to any I’ve missed.
Edit 2: Where’s Myxomatosis at? I told a story about your antics to colleagues the other day.