I remember you paper, was fun running BGs
Sure has!! I don’t know hopefully more people will post here. I had fun with many people during our WOW hay days.
Definitely was fun. I died the most and normally topped the dps in bg’s LOL
Characters: Malagul
Classes: Shaman
Race: Tauren
Guild: Noble Tribe of Kalimdor (NToK)
Looking to reconnect with former members of NToK and other guilds we worked with!
Names I remember in no particular order: Mokeshin, Kwazeemodoh, Greyhart, Thrakka, Zhizu, Banesheart, Perish, Thymorr, Valcore, Cilantro, Perditia, Tamenth, Melgrum, Supanova, … and many others, some of which I’m not listing because I know how to reach you.
Hope to see you all soon.
Well hello there! Looking to find former NToK members!
Any Kingship of the East peoples?
Zaccheus, Troll Holy Priest of The Blackfang Brotherhood and then Seaghyn.
Characters: Chagura
Classes: Shaman
Race: Orc
Guild: Noble Tribe of Kalimdor (NToK), Warsong Clan, Iron Serpents
o/ good to hear names from >10 years ago.
Stronghorn sends his regards and we hope to see folks like Miaka, Nelligrand, Sabuba, and more (RpPvP Grobbulus?)
Hey, Grond here! Yes, we are starting some alliance characters on the Pagle server. Dunno what the future will hold (raiding, etc), but shoot me an email and I’ll give you the deets!
Is she hoot?
Character: Stormtotem
Classes: Shaman
Race: Tauren
Guild: Malevolence
Also had an Alliance Human Paladin named Tank that I played in PvP a lot, was in High Impact for a while on him.
Looking to reconnect with old guildies and anyone that remembers the good old days of PvP in WSG!
Character: Billyray, Druud
Classes: Mage, Druid
Races: undead, tauren
Guild: The Herbalists
Hi Mal!
I’m gonna reroll on grobbulus, but I was kinda thinking alliance.
I was happily surprised to find your post here!
Thrakka, Orc Warrior
Been a while! Miss you and Mikki!
Character : Warzen
Class : Warlock
Race : Undead
Guild Covent of the Dark Lady / Nyx
Character : Umokthar
Class : Warrior
Race: Orc
Guild La Tribue des Tempetes, Shattered Oath and another Shattered i don’t remember.
I Remember also playing with a twink shaman in 39 BG’s also from Merciless.
Btag Fr3nchy#1579
Gorgor comes, and you must die, he swats F16s in the sky!!!
Redridge, here I come!!!
I am almost positive thats the guild I was in… at least at one point… I was Billythebull (Resto Druid)
Hey, I was Ahkrael in that guild at the start of the server. I ran the Vent server for Malevolence for a while - Do you remember a mage Freiza? I think a lot of us rerolled on another server as alliance (I want to say Azshara? BWL? forget which one…) It’s been so long I forget a lot of vanilla outside of a few people I hung out with on vent. my discord is Ahkrael#6079
Name: Agrona
Class: Rogue
Race: Undead
Guild: Dark Trust
We miss you guys too!!! You Still play? Not to active on our little social platform but the fam is sure looking good!!