Please do something about the druid form drops from Emerald Dream. We’re in a new expansion. I should be playing the new xpac, not sitting around Emerald Dream waiting for rares to spawn. The drop rates are ridiculous. The one from Talthonei is even more ridiculous. Making it so difficult to spawn her and then to have the drop chance on the mark be super low is a slap in the face. I’ve had her despawn on me twice, too. Having to kill tons of mobs over and over again for 2 hours only to have her despawn felt bad. Please fix this. It took forever for you guys to update the druid forms and it’s pretty insulting how you made the drops for the items so bad that I had to keep doing it in the new xpac.
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Imagine those that want the Rock werebear form but missed it at the time. We are still not that far from DF to make the encounter soloable or atleast easily soloable so people wanting it will have to either be super geared and solo him wich would still probably take long, or go trough the shore of getting a party to help him and the crossing fingers for the form to drop, and if it doesn’t they have to wait till next week for another chance at it