Yup, Hardcore was fun. But lost its charm after a bit.
Our glory days are gone I think, sadly. Not only has Blizzard changed the game, but the player base as a whole just isn’t the same or interested in the same things.
I dont know why the seperate realms exist at all anymore tbh. You should just be seperated by Region and then RP or PVE at this point.
I honestly also wish the RP servers were unable to have people from the normal realms come over, and vice versa. Merge all the RP realms, but then segregate them from everyone else (other than instanced content) to make sure theres a shared interest for RP from everyone that is there. Random groups bleeding over really sullied things. The separation is why Classic works better for stuff.
But im pretty sure blizz just leaves the realms in place so they can milk people for Realm Xfers.
There’s literally no point in having designated RP realms.Take Grobb on classic for example, it’s the only designated RPPVP realm that the player base had to fight for to even make happen back in 2019 and 99% of the players don’t RP and have zero interest in RP. They just show up because it’s a “PvP relalm” with a nearly 50/50 split and that’s all it takes. Most of the RP guilds are either gone or buried. Same story with ED but more extreme because as I said earlier, blizzard has actively tried to stomp out the RPPvP gameplay. Unless blizzard decides to enforce its own stated policies and actually police RP realms there’s no difference between RP and non RP realms. There’s zero incentive for them to do so, so I’m not gonna hold my breath
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I think RP realms are fine. But the RP/PVP thing just isnt something feasible.
Too many different ideas of what it should be. And too many bad actors in the player base for it to ever get going anyway.
As I’ve said before, RPPvP can not exist in retail because it’s been patched out of the game. My point is, even on classic where it’s very possible, it still doesn’t happen because the designated server got flooded with normies because of its 50/50 faction balance and PvP designation. The ToS specifically states that if you roll on an RP realm, your char must have an RP compliant name and you have to respect RP in game at the very least if not actively participate in it. Blizzard seems to have no interest or resources to enforce this policy yet all the resources in the world to silence me every time I use a gamer word. Sad.
Blame the folks on ED that flagged everyone’s names for no reason to the point that Blizz just started ignoring the reports a few years back.
This discord is - sweatshop - approved. It feels good to be back. Ahhhh.
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Reposting link because its kind of lost now.
Been great talking to everyone again!
make sure you get the deposit back if anything happens
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Infiltrated and destroyed again by the deep state.
Can we get a new link? The link was destroyed by blizz devs