Holy Heck Julie! Good to see you! Its Nayl! See you around
Good golly. Good ole Trustyn! How you been!
Oh boy that’s a story and a half. I’ll be doing Alliance on Grobbulus, literally playing a copy of the old rogue.
Anyone wants to join in I’m Zangano#1973
No. Not me. Never had a bird.
Oh my god. Was looking through screenshots on an old HDD. I found a screenshot of a bunch of us people from Absolute on our mounts outside of Ironforge. I think this picture looks amazing. imgur .com/ bx6JLdn I think that space should work to let me link it. I hope so!
• noelx, i was young and thought it was cool
• crimson alliance (solomon i can’t believe you’re still alive), revenant, and i can’t remember the other guild.
• i’d love to find anyone i played with, and the guild that was my first guild. he was a priest and his boyfriend played as well and he helped me out when i was leveling and made me love this game. we were myspace friends until that thing died.
Ahh, I was hoping I’d see my old Crimson peeps here!
I was Laryn - Night Elf Rogue and eventually Allanee - Night Elf Priest :)))
Yay, Solomon! I will definitely be rejoining in CA adventures if you’ll have me! <3
Hammerldin human pally
guild : high impact
yoo! everyone i was hoping to see has pretty much already posted haha wild!
Gnome Rogue
I pretty much followed Jojukobu to whatever guild he was in haha
Forgot about fallout, was in that too! I feel like brain cells that haven’t been touched in nearly 14 years are getting jolted awake!
also - found a handful of old RP screenshots, you’re in one of them. I guess I need to mangle the link but there’s three screenies here. Take out the spaces and add https at the beginning:
photos.app.goo.gl / hmcT7kwvSt8Zz8bC9
I rolled on Bloodsail Buccaneers: Arkangel (Warlock but looks like the old Ark), Araquiel (Nelf druid) and Siveni (troll hunter). I’ll likely be super casual but looking forward to seeing old friends. <3
most of us are millennials who went from being teens to overworked underpaid adults so I imagine it will be much more casual this time around lol
Hammerldin sounds insanely familiar…I swear that’s the name of a Paladin that another friend of mine and I spent a lot of time leveling with (all as paladins) pretty early in vanilla but I can’t remember my friend’s paladin’s name.
I remember both of you fondly, and miss everyone from the Caliphate
This is:
<The Caliphate>
Kaelethin, Night Elf Druid
Qitarah, Human Priestess
I’ll probably be headed to Thalnos-PvP but so many friends are non-committal that it might be nice to find some of the folks I remember from Emerald Dream instead.
Feel free to reach out at Antix#1329.
My favorite Caliphate hunter, with Thid a distant second at best. It’s good to see you’re still around.
If you don’t remember this priestess, you might remember my druid Kaelethin.
Made by the inimitable Fawziyyah. I miss that druid.
(This is Saki on different toon )
Hey nice hearing from you!
I am have not fully committed yet to a server, leaning RP or PVE.
If The Caliphate were to reform or we could get a lot of the guild back I would be happy to go where everyone else goes. Though I will admit PvP is not my strong suite
I faintly remember 29s seeing as how I was grounded pretty much my whole high school years lol. But your name sounds very familiar I do remember a gnome warlock thinking that is you since it sounds familiar. But have you been in contact with the others? Trying to rmember 2 rogues I always did 19s with was a father who played with his son.
Wondering is Deeps in this guild? He was an undead Rogue I believe was always fun when it was SWA vs his twink guild.