Emerald Dream Alliance Reconnections

@Ghoulbane , Indeed, Deeps was GM of TRA so TRA vs SWA was always a blast!

I recognize a few names here, so many memories!
I was:
Darksong, a night elf hunter
Azsharia, a night elf druid

I didn’t do anything really notable, but I was that obnoxious hunter that would kite elites from burning steppes to Goldshire. I also wore matching rp outfits with my in game friend Sesshys. It’d be awesome to reconnect with her or some other people i still remember fondly, including Haime, Atreyu, and Soulsurvivor?.

Ayyyyyyyy. How you doing?

I was Baragar, a Dwarf Hunter with a raptor named ‘Cuddles’. This was my first time RPing, and really my first time in a real MMORPG that wasn’t geared towards younger audiences. Occasionally, I think about two folks who used to RP with me and go on adventures; Denethorr, another Dwarf Hunter and a gnome whose name I cannot remember. There was also Derke (sp?) who was GM of a guild I was in for a brief period of time. I think I got kicked out for begging for gold, now that I remember it!

Either way, I was very young and frankly i’m impressed that I was able to establish memorable connections with people that I still look back fondly on. In the grand scheme of things, if it weren’t for the old Vanilla guilds I was in and the people who tolerated being around an obnoxious kid, I wouldn’t still be RPing today. I think I’ve even improved a bit ;)!

If memory serves me right, I think we briefly met at Blizzcon many years ago at the Emerald Dream table. I was with the warlock Dior. She’s still around and we’ll both be on Grobbulus for Classic. See you there!

Dior: “I remember Trustyn! Excellent.”

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What up?

-Blandy (the original, apparently someone took my name at some point post TBC)


(Saki Alt )
Hey there!
Just waiting for next week for the classic release.
Right now I am leaning RP server in that it has the least chance of being swarmed, even the PVE servers look like will be packed!

Hey hey… also played Kelanthis (Belfadin) on Traitorholdt in LotS by the way.

I think all of the servers will be packed, at least at the start. I’m rolling Grob with some Horde friends (that pretty much refuse to play Alliance) so that’s what I’ll be there… no ideas on race/class/names yet.

I am excellent and stoked to see you’ll be back for classic. Feel free to add me via battle tag if you wanna keep in touch. It’s Antix#1329.

Holy mackerel. It’s incredible to see you’re still around Blandy. You were the chillest gnome that ever skulked in the shadows haha. Hope I see you around.

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Oh gosh. It’s my favorite Karlfriend. I miss my time in <Shenanigans> on Ravenholdt. I’m really glad to see you’re still around. I actually stopped to watch this not so very long ago and got a little misty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF7Q6aLRDqU

Of course!! join us on our discord!!

< Shenanigans > will be live again on Grobbulous!


That’s the best thing that could ever happen to that server. Are you guys headed for Horde-side again or Alliance?

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Looking to see if anyone from Sonata is on here. I played Dragonlance a human warrior, that was also known in the guild vent as Weapon rack.

I remember Ashes of the Phoenix! :smiley:

Turnis! HEY!

Are you planning on starting up Ashes of The Phoenix again?

  • Endarin/Remesar

I remember you…

Still traveling around the world dude?