Emerald Dream > All other servers

There are lots of people I’ve seen come and go on ED. There are old friends I haven’t seen in months or years that I miss, but I still continue to meet new people and the community is still there.

Sharding, warmode, and the removal of world defense have certainly hurt things, but I’m optimistic that the next expansion will address some of these issues and new stories and lands to explore always draws interest. It’s a shame BFA was such a step backwards, but so was WoD before Legion came along and fixed what WoD broke.

I agree, we’re lucky to have classic, and I do enjoy it, especially with the inclusion of RPPVP servers.

I’m not saying you’re one of the people who said it, but I’m just tired of people saying how dead ED is, because frankly it’s insulting to the people working really hard to keep it alive and create content for the community to enjoy. It won’t grow again without people working hard to foster that growth and it sucks that many “old EDers” who are doing literally nothing to help, while complaining that the community is in decline, don’t see they’re part of the problem.

You can absolutely still do large scale RP/PVP campaigns in retail. We’re still doing it and creating those storylines. Sharding only effects BFA zones, so you literally have everywhere except Zulduzar and Kul’tiras to WPVP without sharding to choose from, which is still more than double the options you have in classic. Discord serves as an effective replacement for world defense. Given the backlash against sharding, and the advent of layering in Classic, I don’t think it’ll even be an issue in future expansions. Finding solutions to these problems doesn’t take that much effort my dude. It’s about your attitude.


The majority of the people that created that content quit ED years ago or now play classic. Retail tore away the rpg and socialization elements. EDs slow death is due to that. Most of the people that came back likely won’t leap into detail barring maybe new expac

The whole: Not needing to make a community to play retail - Is the thing that killed retail for me. All the instant group and then abandon people mentality ruins any permanence about notoriety.





Damnit Heltor you beat me to it. Also, this is true. Welcome to Emerald Fu…Err Grobbulus. Someone link the flow chart.



<3 Niamina

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This guy doesn’t get it.

> adds to KoS list

Also what faction are you playing in classic, and is this the name you will use?

Horde, same name, same race and class.

Come at me bro.

You goober heltor

do i really have to deal with queues again

I am afraid so good sir.


Always, tho it has gotten better. Yesterday it was a 3+ hour queue. Tonight was only an hour.

That time will decrease as people realize they can’t reasonably give equal playing time to both Retail and Classic.


See you out there!



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Too many PvPBros co-opted this to the point where it honestly doesn’t mean anything.

We need a new squiggles.

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It’s good to be back.

4chan guilds are just disorganized zerg guilds who sit around doing nothing.

Thought of you the other day when I saw a bunch of NMM running around the NELF starting area.

We’ll beh raidin tha hot beast in jus’ oor britches a’for tha weeks oo’r lad!

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One of them could have been me haha.