Emerald Dream > All other servers

RIP Maelstrom

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Emerald Dream #1


I hope those funky Clan Battlehammer dwarves can clear MC.


Retail ED > Classic Grob. Change my mind

Gird your loins my ED brethren.

ED vs 4Chan vs EVE Coalition vs Moon Guard furries is the war of our generation

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The war begins!

Emerald dream IS Grobbulus
Let us rise up and eradicate the vile Creatures known as Horde.


ED was a backwater nothingburg until well after the end of Vanilla. Donā€™t get an overinflated sense of importance because of whatever may or may not have happened in Retail.


We were tied to ED in the battle grounds. Iā€™m from lightninghoof. Glad to have this server.


Grobbulusā€™ afternoon queues are larger than EDā€™s entire active population.

You can continue to go on believing Retail ED is better than Grobā€¦ we all have the right to be dead wrong =)


I love ED but it is dead now

I just wish I could be a dwarf warlock sledgehammer :frowning:

Lulls #1 ED Cutieā€¦has decided to not roll on Grobbulus. Iā€™ve moved to Benediction and will miss you all but not really. Happy leveling, EDā€™ers!

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I miss ED before it was stinky

I agree with this post!

gets the butter


Gets the strawberry jam.


Me and my 4 friends are coming from 2004 illidan server. We wanted to play a rppvp server back then but there never were. Here we are-

Sure they areā€¦ 2 days after launch. Thatā€™ll change with time. The fact remains retail ED has exponentially more content and will continue to grow and expand with time.

Grob by itā€™s very nature is stagnant, a window into something that once was. At some point, without the addition of new content, youā€™ve simply scratched that nostalgia itch and done all there is to do and then what? You can believe people will be happy to play the same tired content over and over indefinitely and still find reasons to log in, as you said, we all have the right to be dead wrong.

Classic is a fun distraction, and I definitely enjoy it, but to say itā€™s a replacement for retail long term, or that retail is ā€œdeadā€ because it exists is absurd.

Will it? I played on ED back in Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Legion.

Never in that entire time period did ED grow or expand in any way, shape or form. All it did was shrink and die, ebbing away slowly but painfully, to the point that when I came back for a month in BfA, most of my friendā€™s list had been offline for months, and those who werenā€™t had all transferred from ED to WrA or MG.

Given that ED has even less active players on it then it did in Legion, it seems that that downwards trend has only continued. ED hasnā€™t been on the rise for the last 8 years my dude, and probably even longer than that. Itā€™s been on an inevitable decline due to Blizzardā€™s neglect of RP-PvP.

Now itā€™s not even an RP-PvP server anymore. The RP-PvP designation is outright dead on retail.

EDIT: And to clarify here, Iā€™m not saying Retail is dead because of Classic. Iā€™m saying that weā€™re lucky to have Classic, because our preferred way of playing the game (RP-PvP) is dead on retail.

Honestly, this is the wrong sort of mentality to go into Classic with. As the premier RP-PvP server, Grobbulus will never run out of content. Because the RP-PvP community will MAKE the content.

If you canā€™t envision that, then you donā€™t understand the opportunity that weā€™re being given here. The dungeons and the raids and the BGs that youā€™re talking about growing stagnant were never EVER the true content of the RP-PvP servers.

The real reason to play on an RP-PvP server is because of the emergent gameplay through WPvP and RP-PvP storylines that we the community make ourselves. You canā€™t find that in Retail WoW. WPvP is worthless these days with the advent of War Mode and sharding destroying any sense of community or server-based rivarly. RP-PvP is likewise demolished, as the people who set up huge RP-PvP storylines across weeks and months and zones gave up in the face of having to try to wrangle their way through shard just to find the other faction to fight with.

Classic doesnā€™t have that and wonā€™t ever have that. Thatā€™s what makes it so much better than Retail.


Iā€™ve missed you.