If you are on Emerald Dream and you do not have the Emerald Drake, what are you even doing with your life?
How many other dreamers have the Emerald Drake? Any of you close to getting it?
If you are on Emerald Dream and you do not have the Emerald Drake, what are you even doing with your life?
How many other dreamers have the Emerald Drake? Any of you close to getting it?
Getting cooler mounts.
Please delete. Thanks.
Weird flex, but ok.
Someone is salty
Sour, not salty.
How do you get the Emerald Drake? Didn’t even know blizzard made that flight a mount.
You have to have every other drake mount in the game first.
Man! More than half the mounts in game are drakes! You’d have to be one hell of a fortunate collector…
I farmed them for years to get them all lol
Good god you make me regret giving away the reins to the onyxian drake twic!!! >;•()
Onyxia was the last one to drop for me. Had all of them for years, doing Onyxia once a week on multiple toons, it would never drop.