Not much experience attempting since it took forever just to fill a group, but The Ashenvale boss, Taesa or whatever, stupid easy kill… anyways, it dropped Epic offhand- Transcendence or some garbage, raid of 20 ppl, would only let me ML it out to 10, it was like 2 groups didn’t exist. I looted it to trade to winner, said ineligible to trade, he got pissed and rage quit. Clear bug as everyone was fighting the boss, and beside the boss, i mean the tank couldnt roll on the item… as well the pos dropped only 1 epic, and the quest item… 20 man groups for 1 item? Blue/green garbage like every other world boss. They need to have some added drop tables, getting 20 people together to kill 4 bosses and only 1 item drops aside from the quest item which is trash.
Same thing happened to our group last night. People who killed the Dragons on Friday were not able to see or roll on any of the loot that dropped last night (Monday). The first boss also notified them all they were locked to this instance. So they didn’t have a lock before obviously. It’s twice a week reset (Tues/Sat). All 4 dragons we only had about 11-12 people eligible for loot.
Blizz fail.
We had the same issue, we do world bosses/10-mans on Friday then on Saturday reset again.
We cleared it, and I was master looter. I could not loot the boss on Saturday. Only two people that were in the group that couldn’t make it the night before had everything pop up as group loot. We got a new lockout/raid ID, but were still ineligible for loot, very weird. At least AQ10 (20) was fine and that one reset for everyone
Wait people do this?
Never seen a group advertised
Just to clarify, you’re saying the dragons drop 1 epic per boss (4 total) or that there is 1 epic item total across all 4 bosses?
And the loot bug, is this just tied to people who killed a dragon the reset prior are still ineligible for new drops?
Same issue again this week, no raid ID, it reset, but no loot after killing.
Fix it blizzard.
Did it on Friday, it reset Saturday, we had no raid ID locks in our raid info, only people that saw loot were 1-2 people that were not there the night before.