Emblems of Heroism from Sons of Hodir dailies is somehow okay?

I think people are underestimating how fast Heroics are. You can farm over 50 badges a day if you do all the heroics, and it is WAY faster AND easier than TBC. An extra 7-10 badges is not a big deal and helps with alts

Go away anti-fun

Yea Holdir rep is the sorta last rep outside of raids that’s a real grind, due the shoulder enchants and some of the patterns being a must. I know Relics were another good way to rep cap with them if not costly as well.

This is more of a “Oh you don’t like retail? Don’t worry after we put it in classic you will see why subs have been dropping over the years!” type of change. Need devs that actually play the game to understand that some changes are just unacceptable.

They think we don’t want WotLK as it was, but we do.


LFG was part of WotLK. I spammed the crap out of it in 2009-10. I want to play the game the same way I did back then.

Blizzard Pointy Haired Boss: You think you do, but you don’t.

Yeah i expect the bots to have stormpeak swarmed because of the relics

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Most likely the case, although HOL and HOS can drop em. But those places are lame HOL isn’t bad. I’d assume bots would find a way to farm those dungis first though.

You think only half? You are much more optimistic than I am.

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