Emblem Conversion during Pre Patch

Is there going to be a conversion soft cap like there was the first time around? I mean can I grind out badges then have above 4000 and If so is there a cap to that soft cap. I’m asking so i can buy 2 sets of gear for each spec.

Last time the pre patch had a soft cap then went to a hard cap at launch just asking if anyone know if it will be the same this time around.

There was a Youtube video posted on this: only about 346 Frost/Triumph badges would be enough to cap your Justice points, so anything else can be spent on gear sets.

here is a post from the original transition

h ttps://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/eu-en/14574620792-cataclysm-currency-changes-explained/

who knows whether they will make any changes

this is a great question, would be good to get clarity on the direction Blizzard is going to go for things like this, will this be like original Cata or should we expect something else? If you increase the soft cap or go straight to the hard cap on pre-patch, I will have way more things to do for the next two weeks. With the accelerated timelines, getting full blue 346 gear the moment I hit 85 is actually reasonable in my opinion.

The lack of communication is normal, but it’s still frustrating, especially with only 2 weeks until pre-patch.