Embers of Fyr'alath Empowered - February 20

In fact being a rotted out tree stump’s alt that only clears LFR is more likely to have to fall into their bags.


Doesn’t this make it less about the 1% lmao

What incentive would they have to do that? It would actively harm their reputation. Why would they possibly just flat out lie about something like that. There’s no benefit to doing so

Also have you ever taken a statistics class? - 50/50 doesn’t mean two options. You’re thinking of a binary outcome, which has nothing to do with expected outcome

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i got the axe this morning, before this notice was posted… maybe even before the hotfix went live.

i have 13 heroic fyrakk kills and i would have to agree with you.

getting the axe today was simply a day late and a dollar short.

im not excited about it, i don’t feel good.


im not talking maths or statistics, its a simple sentence, when you want something, you either get it, or you don’t, there is no third option, simple as that.

and tbh, i wouldn’t be surprised if they just buff the drop rate of the legendary as a whole, not the embers, and they can do whatever they want in the game, the player base will never know, they will only know what blizzard allows to be known

if this blp were actually a flat number, we would have weak auras and other ways to actually see the number we are in, but blizzard isn’t allowing that, so we work with the placebo effect that we are actually getting a higher drop chance that nobody can say for sure that they actually are, we are working here with just words from someone that can post texts with blue letters and no actual evidence or numbers that this so called blp is actually doing anything.

Same and I don’t even have it. lol

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Giving it max item level regardless of the drop was a mistake. Didn’t the Sylvanas bow item level scale with the tier you got the drop from? Not sure why they changed it for DF.

lol I’m sitting on 27 lesser embers, have been killing Fyrakk heroic weekly since it was released. Still no legendary.
it feels dreadful.
your design is terrible blizzard


This is a subscription based game. FOMO creates a need for players to obtain X,Y and Z. With plate classes tailored around this stupid flipping thing, it’s no wonder people are still trying to get it. With a low drop rate that means people will still farm it. That means blizz has a consistent sub base of people farming things. Half-truths are still lies.

With embers being unable to be tracked, it could be any number from 0.0000001% - 1%. The likelihood of people getting it after X times means that it’s not just some RNG per week, that it actually builds as suggested. But that isn’t the case because there are people that have farmed lessers and greaters on 3 levels every single week, and still nothing. So it purely looks like WEEKLY RNG no matter how many embers you’ve gotten,and embers do not in fact increase the overall chance of you obtaining the axe. We would see an increase in the number of players obtaining the axe after X weeks if it builds as suggested, but with the pool reducing that data is heavily skewed. The fact that blizz doesn’t want to disclose how they work, nor has WH datamined it, shows there is some shady stuff going on with embers.

edit Just want to add, not that anyone will GAF, but I cancelled my sub specifically because of this announcement. Not that I, nor anyone, is deserving of getting a low-drop item, it’s the bs behind it that pisses me off. That after months/weeks of farming, now blizz decides to do something about it, and even then, it’s after reset when people have likely went through LF/N/H trying to get it. Add on another week, and what’s the point? Wasting money every month just to get pissed at blizz’s BLP that doesn’t work.


Yep, an ambiguous pity is not a pity. It’s just the normal rng obfuscated across layers with a bow-tie on top.

The pity should have been clear on exactly what it did.


Also this patch releases just around the 12-13 week mark which is the expected amount of tries for half the player base to have received the axe if the drop-rate is 5%.

This patch was planned ahead since the axe’s release…


I can’t consider my character “done” until it has items like bis trinkets and weapons at maximum ilvl. Mythic+ vault is behaving in direct contradiction to your stated design goals.
At the moment, I don’t even bother, because the likelihood my time invested is rewarded is miniscule <2% to appear in any given M+ slot on a weekly basis. I’ve been sitting at maximum ilvl with a 6ilvl lower trinket for weeks, despite being capped and putting sockets in every single other piece.

This needs to change too.


Gnome Paladin
gnome paladin!


Another week of despair.


I don’t often defend Blizzard, but yeesh. These threads always have people who are furious about not being told the drop chance numbers, but the numbers really wouldn’t do you any good. If its higher than you think you’ll say its broken because you’ve been unlucky, if its lower than you think it should be you’ll just be mad. Its lose/lose for Blizzard to announce these numbers.

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fixed. /10char


thats not true tbh, not disclosing important information in numbers can create suppositions that the system doesn’t actually work, embers can a placebo effect and people doesn’t even know that they are being fooled with the “so called getting a higher drop chance”, but what if it always stayed at 3% since the beginning? and the embers did nothing? “eventually it should drop”, so they saying that this is going to be buffed doesn’t mean anything, cause buffing 0 still equals 0, unless we are able to actually see the numbers and see the blp actually doing anything.

as things stands right now, i still think the embers are just a shut up system created to fool us into trying every single week with the placebo effect that we are going to get higher drop rates

so if you get it, you can go and say, omg after collecting like 50 embers i finally got it, but did your drop rate really go up, or you finally nailed that 3% drop chance? we will never know

hiding important info is never the answer, and saying you’re going to buff something we don’t even know if it actually exists, it’s even worse


This is the part I don’t get. How did you allow the axe to drop in LFR (some argument could be made for Normal as well) if the intention was for the legendary to be found in “the most challenging content” ?

In fact, you continue to push this idea that only players who were killing H Fyrakk are frustrated –

like it wasn’t dropping for players after a couple of kills in the lower difficulties.
Are you admitting by omission that it shouldn’t have been dropping below Heroic raid?


This post implies that you would get this over the course of a season, which could mean the entire season for some people.
If the legendary was to be some “special reward” that demonstrates a “display of excellence”, whatever that means.

Then why was every plate class balanced around it?
If you didn’t expect the majority of people playing plate classes to get it, why was every plate class balanced around it?

I’m going to ask again just to make my displeasure and confusion heard.

Why was every plate class balanced around the legendary if your expectation was that only a minority of the people who are eligible to get it will actually get it?

This whole bad luck protection system was an utter failure, it did absolutely nothing, and at this point I am not even sure if the BLP items even did anything and the drop chance is just globally increased by 1% each week.

Do not do this ever again.