Ember Court not starting, can't get through to support in-game

I’ve completed all of the quests, done everything, but the first real Ember Court doesn’t start, just like hundreds of people who have posted about this bug online … and the only follow-up is that people have reported that you need to talk to customer service … but since Blizzard has managed to concoct the most successful customer service in history at shoving customers off to the side so that they don’t have to ever help any I’m at a loss on how to do this.

No forum is.

I actually doubt CS can help if it’s bugged. CS and GM’s don’t fix bugs. Devs and QA do. Sounds like they’d be aware already and are probably working on a solution.

The GM’s might be able to help if the devs have given permission for them to do so. If not, they can’t help and will have to wait until a solution is hot-fixed.

There are forum moderators here, but they’re not GM’s nor liaison to them or CS.

Not to be overly dramatic, but the ticket system is triaged - so generally you can only get a ticket through for things that GM’s can assist with. Otherwise, we’d have ticket times blow-out to weeks because players ticketed for everything, even things that were not related to the game.


Is this the character in question? Doesn’t look like you’ve done the quest to start the ember court.


Edit to add:

If you’re sure you should be able to start, it looks like there might be a bug at the moment. The bottom of the Support article states that they have received some reports but currently there is no known workaround. You could make a report in the Bugs forum specifically (make sure to state what character is affected, it helps them troubleshoot) to give them more info to work with.
You might see if you can party up with someone and have them start a Court.


Thanks for taking the time to reply! No, this isn’t the character. I have a priest that is Venthyr. It’s also named Partyunicorn but is on Tichondrius. I guess I could make another report in bugs, but there’s already 100+ there that have had the exact same problem.

More data points is never a bad thing. As the support article says they know it’s a problem but currently don’t have a work around unfortunately.

I don’t think it’s so overly wide spread or there would likely be more topics about it. I’ll check mine when I get home later today. If you’d like, I can also see if inviting you to mine allows you access. You can send me a friend invite at Leounity#1284.