Does classic have the nice heavy rainstorms and darkness like it used to? That was one of my most hated changes, when they brightened night time and lessened the atmospheric weather.
Yes, it has the awful heavy rainstorms, thankfully the effects can be turned down. Most of the zones in the game never had very dark nights and that is also true for Classic.
Op here (switched character)
Awesome. I remember asking in surveys for them to make vanilla since i was sick of unofficial servers, then i lost interest in wow in the middle of WoD. Once I’m bored with shadowlands I will try classic. I enjoy it just for the nostalgia and old effects, and leveling adventure.
color and brightness pop way more with higher resolution screens. Ever play a Gamecube game or whatever on an old CRT, then play the same game at 1080p on PC? It’s waaaay darker on the CRT, I think that’s why people remember the old game being so dark.
I don’t know about other zones, I just remember elwynn being darker at night than it is now :). I thought I read in the past that they brightened it since players complained if they had to play at night they shouldn’t ‘suffer’ or something.
But yea, I’m familiar with the difference. I play Doom on an LCD now and it was way more atmospheric on a proper CRT back then. Though there are tweaks to bring it closer now.
it does have rain yes. looks really good too.
Elwynn is actually slightly Darker on Retail than it was during Vanilla.
Elwynn Forest in Vanilla:
Elwynn Forest on Retail:
Wetlands during Vanilla:
Lakeshire in Redridge during Vanilla:
Yea, maybe it was during the storms I was thinking of. I’ll have to download and check it out :).