Elwyn Forest memorial

There’s a beautiful memorial at Crystal Lake within the Elwynn Forest. It reads “Deeply missed, never forgotten”.

There’s a cat sitting on top of it.

I was just curious if this was dedicated to a real person or animal?


Its for Amara Strande, a woman who passed and during her time battling cancer had a Make a Wish for WoW where she did a few things, including adding her cat into the game, which is the secret battle pet Jenafur.


I know this is a bit of a necro, but I just found this monument today, and wondered who it was for.

It seems it is for a fellow by the name of Mats Steen, who was a dedicated player for a number of years, despite having Muscular Dystrophy.

He passed away in 2014.

The article about it is here:

…and Mats’ story is here.

The memorial looks like his actual gravestone.

The story is rather inspiring, so I thought it might be nice to share it again.

After reading the story, I planted an in-game flower there myself today… for a moment anyway.


Thanks for posting this, I never knew that despite leveling a ton of alts through elwynn.

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I’d like to see more of this kind of stuff in the game to be honest. There’s so much empty Real estate they could put appropriate monuments in the game.

Obviously, something that doesn’t clash with the environment but looks like it belongs there

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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How did you mix up two different people with two different in game memorials?

That’s an incredible story. Thank you for sharing :cry:

It may be that the cat is a memorial to Amara and the tombstone itself is for Mats Steen.

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