ElvUI Profiles/Settings Shared Between Classic and Retail?

Is there any way to, even somewhat, transfer a profile with saved settings and the like from BfA to Classic through ElvUI? I know the AddOns themselves need to be specifically for either version of WoW but it’d be great if I could have matching features and layouts for Classic and BfA with only certain modern features missing.

You can either export/import using the in-addon tools for it or copy the appropriate files over from your retail wtf folder. I believe there’s instructions on their site.

if youre using windows you can symlink the retail AddOns and WTF folders into classic (or ptr), or even just specific addons/savedvariables - presuming youre on the same machine.

just be aware that game updates currently appear to be deleting symlinks so youll need to recreate them after every update. probably better to use a batch file for it to easily recreate them when needed.

Don’t do that, Classic and Retail have API differences as of 8.2.5