Elvui or WoW UI?

Im a newer player… Is Elvui worth it or will I do best with the default UI the game comes with?

What are the pros and cons for both if you dont mind?

It really is a personal thing. (A lot of it just comes down to aesthetic preference.) Even if you use ElvUI, you may find yourself wanting separate addons for some stuff, just like you might with the default UI.

If you don’t want to mess around with a lot of configuration while you’re still learning the game, I’d just compare how the default UI looks compared to how default ElvUI looks, and go with whichever one you prefer.

Once you get more experienced, you can worry about learning the ins and outs of configuring/using other addons with whichever you chose.

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I use the default ui. Some add ons are nice, but some of them are a hassle to work around when they do not work smoothly in some situations.

I like bagnon, auctionator, weak auras. I do not like the usual required addons because weak auras, unless you dont know how to code custom triggers, will do just about everything else I have found. The code used to program the custom triggers has been my downfall and I been tackling this part of using weak auras for several years. There is not enough detail and explanations in the how to guides when trying to learn to code for the custom triggers. I am not tech savvy, so this may be why. I lack the common sense that the youth seem to be born with these days. I am still lokking for a guide that litterally walks you through the coding process while holding my hand. NADA thus far. People will usually just give up when they try to help me.